Business Unit PO/Contract # PO Date Contract Start Date Contract End Date Vendor Name Total Value of Contract Commodity & Service Purchased Method of Procurement Justification Method
UTARL 0000067749 1/16/25 9/22/26 9/21/31 LAERDAL MEDICAL CORP $61,592.00 Surgical robotic simulators or training consoles Group Purchase BUYBOARD
UTARL 0000067946 1/9/25 10/1/24 9/30/27 CAREERAMERICA, LLC $162,120.00 Software Sole Source Software Renewal/Maintenance
UTARL 0000068204 1/13/25 3/14/25 3/13/26 SURVEY ANALYTICS, QSAMPLE $37,000.00 Components for IT or broadcasting or telecom Other Types State - Other
UTARL 0000068334 1/17/25 8/13/24 5/31/25 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MED $15,000.00 Awards Sole Source Proprietary
UTARL 0000068865 1/29/25 2/1/25 1/31/26 SONOCENT LLC $16,508.00 Transcription or translation systems or kits Sole Source Meets Unique Specifications
UTARL 0000068950 1/16/25 ACCURATUS CORPORATION $139,650.00 Power supply units Sole Source Continuity of Service/Research
UTARL 0000068966 1/29/25 SECURE ONSITE SHREDDING INC $20,000.00 Paper shredding machines or accessories Competitive Competitively Bid
UTARL 0000069019 1/3/25 11/7/24 1/31/25 REV77 LLC $40,000.00 Advertising campaign services Sole Source Meets Unique Specifications
UTARL 0000069020 1/14/25 BRAIN VISION LLC $95,706.00 Exploration and development systems Sole Source Continuity of Service/Research
UTARL 0000069024 1/7/25 RED TAIL FABRICATION LLC $38,575.10 Gas pipeline services Sole Source Continuity of Service/Research
UTARL 0000069038 1/13/25 HORIBA INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED $33,768.55 Spectrometers Sole Source Meets Unique Specifications
UTARL 0000069050 1/17/25 1/1/25 12/31/25 International Institute for Analytics $100,605.00 Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services Sole Source Proprietary
UTARL 0000069055 1/10/25 10/1/24 9/30/27 CIDI LABS, LLC $30,697.51 Software Sole Source Continuity of Service/Research
UTARL 0000069056 1/3/25 12/1/24 11/30/25 SPRINTAX, INC. $17,450.00 Industry specific software Competitive Competitively Bid
UTARL 0000069063 1/21/25 PASCO SCIENTIFIC $30,546.78 System boards processors interfaces or modules Group Purchase BUYBOARD
UTARL 0000069072 1/9/25 1/9/25 12/4/26 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $18,710.33 Storage media loading software Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069077 1/3/25 SC TACO TRAVEL SRL $32,239.30 Hotels and lodging and meeting facilities Other Types Exempt
UTARL 0000069098 1/7/25 LAWN BRIGADE INC, THE $27,425.00 Irrigation sprinkler system installation service Emergency Emergency Purchase
UTARL 0000069101 1/9/25 7/31/24 7/30/27 AMER SPORTS CO / WILSON SPORTING GOODS C $27,205.59 Sports equipment and accessories Other Types State - Other
UTARL 0000069104 1/15/25 1/1/25 6/30/25 JSJD MEDIA LLC $48,000.00 Advertising Sole Source Continuity of Service/Research
UTARL 0000069107 1/2/25 CHROMA SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS INC $8,912.67 System boards processors interfaces or modules Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069108 1/2/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $332.67 Staplers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069109 1/2/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $20,977.32 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069110 1/2/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,348.00 Notebook computers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069111 1/2/25 FACILITECH INC dba Business Interiors $1,716.58 Furniture Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069112 1/2/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $920.20 Audio and visual equipment Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069113 1/2/25 Possible Missions, Inc $1,128.11 Measuring and observing and testing instruments Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069114 1/2/25 Possible Missions, Inc $782.97 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069115 1/2/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $93.61 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069116 1/2/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $393.28 Scissors Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069117 1/2/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $183.49 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069118 1/2/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,251.69 Calendars Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069120 1/2/25 Cloud Ingenuity LLC $362.94 Digital mobile network infrastructure equipment & components Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069121 1/2/25 SAWTECH CORPORATION $300.00 Industrial Production and Manufacturing Services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069122 1/2/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $5,051.01 Hardware Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069123 1/2/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $70.11 Moisteners Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069124 1/2/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $175.64 Water Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069125 1/2/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $119.96 Non metallic bins Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069126 1/2/25 Possible Missions, Inc $244.27 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069127 1/2/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $50.34 Calendars Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069128 1/3/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $89.88 Camera cables Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069129 1/3/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $6,336.76 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069130 1/3/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $968.22 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069131 1/3/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $107.48 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069132 1/3/25 APPLE INC $1,373.85 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069133 1/3/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $163.32 Computer mouse or trackballs Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069134 1/3/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $142.11 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069135 1/3/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $58.56 Alkaline batteries Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069136 1/3/25 MPULSE HEALTHCARE & TECHNOLOGY, LLC $311.50 Liquid crystal display LCD panels or monitors Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069137 1/3/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $368.80 Domestic refrigerators Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069138 1/3/25 ANIXTER INC $3,462.66 Digital mobile network infrastructure equipment & components Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069139 1/3/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $605.49 Calculator or cash register paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069140 1/3/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $144.21 Dry erase boards or accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069141 1/3/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $707.07 Hard disk drives Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069142 1/3/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,314.14 Dry erase boards or accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069143 1/3/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $112.19 Water filters Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069144 1/3/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $79.59 Calendars Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069145 1/3/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $205.34 Desk pads or its accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069146 1/6/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $253.68 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069147 1/6/25 PFEIFFER VACUUM INC $9,909.60 Power cable Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069148 1/6/25 SPRINGER NATURE CUSTOMER SERVICE LLC $6,790.00 Academic or scientific article writing Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069149 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $132.53 Printer labels Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069150 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $590.02 Tea bags Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069151 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $209.70 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069152 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $213.51 Self adhesive note paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069153 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $76.83 Notebooks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069154 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $225.18 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069155 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $78.20 Badges or badge holders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069156 1/27/25 STUDY ABROAD ITALY, INC. $49,140.00 Study abroad advisory services Sole Source Professional Services
UTARL 0000069157 1/6/25 MAGELLAN PROMOTIONS LLC $4,290.00 Promotional material or annual reports Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069158 1/6/25 FCX PERFORMANCE INC $7,202.71 Pump motor AC Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069159 1/6/25 PURDUE UNIVERSITY $2,747.50 Color charts or samples Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069160 1/6/25 ANIXTER INC $1,611.56 Digital mobile network infrastructure equipment & components Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069161 1/6/25 SYNERGY SPORTS TECHNOLOGY LLC $4,500.00 Online data processing service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069162 1/9/25 FACILITECH INC dba Business Interiors $15,036.00 Furniture and Furnishings Group Purchase Vizient GPO
UTARL 0000069163 1/6/25 FACILITECH INC dba Business Interiors $8,715.35 Furniture and Furnishings Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069164 1/6/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $570.43 Tablet computers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069165 1/6/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $6,498.22 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069166 1/6/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,769.79 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069167 1/6/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,249.11 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069168 1/6/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $2,062.40 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069169 1/6/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,865.14 Computer servers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069170 1/6/25 APPLE INC $1,897.95 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069171 1/6/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $615.70 Multifunction machines Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069172 1/6/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $406.09 Laser printers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069173 1/6/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $240.78 Docking stations Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069174 1/6/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $240.15 Phone headsets Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069175 1/6/25 Possible Missions, Inc $1,963.05 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069176 1/6/25 Possible Missions, Inc $1,468.32 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069177 1/6/25 Possible Missions, Inc $68.38 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069178 1/6/25 Possible Missions, Inc $1,053.60 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069179 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $930.35 Calendars Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069180 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $96.58 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069181 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $57.51 Gel pens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069182 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $136.71 File inserts or tabs Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069183 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $82.30 Headphones Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069184 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $176.24 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069185 1/6/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $157.14 Facial tissues Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069186 1/6/25 MPULSE HEALTHCARE & TECHNOLOGY, LLC $578.19 Flash memory storage card Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069187 1/17/25 Nevco Sports, LLC $322,278.00 Sport scoreboards Group Purchase BUYBOARD
UTARL 0000069188 1/6/25 WESTERN ATHLETIC CONFERENCE $176,900.00 Staff recruiting services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069189 1/6/25 CALM.COM, INC. $3,326.40 Library software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069190 1/13/25 NEW TANGRAM, LLC $42,101.13 Furniture and Furnishings Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069191 1/6/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $160.18 Vacuum cleaner supplies or accessories Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069192 1/6/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $374.93 Hardware Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069193 1/6/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $349.68 Hardware Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069194 1/7/25 SYNERGY SPORTS TECHNOLOGY LLC $7,500.00 Online data processing service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069195 1/7/25 VERIZON CORP $1,919.50 Telecommunication Services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069197 1/7/25 INSTRON CORPORATION $10,116.20 Machinery component refurbishing and repair service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069198 1/7/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $412.48 Chairs Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069199 1/7/25 Possible Missions, Inc $759.00 Laboratory and scientific equipment Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069200 1/7/25 Possible Missions, Inc $135.32 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069201 1/7/25 Possible Missions, Inc $339.00 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069202 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $63.09 Ball point pens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069203 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $225.01 Domestic disposable dishes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069204 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $62.51 Ink or stamp pads Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069205 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $283.29 Desks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069206 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $79.26 Paper towels Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069207 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $57.30 Waste container lids Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069208 1/7/25 BOOK OVEN INC. $10,499.00 Library software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069209 1/7/25 JUSTFOIA, INC. $10,880.97 Document management software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069210 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $564.65 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069211 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $104.52 Non dairy creamers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069212 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $53.96 Binders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069213 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $105.38 Calendars Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069214 1/7/25 10/15/24 4/15/25 OREGON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY $3,922.00 Business intelligence consulting services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069215 1/7/25 SEATING SPECIALISTS LLC $14,997.84 Furniture and Furnishings Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069216 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $318.86 Notebooks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069217 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,365.46 Crisps or chips or pretzels or mixes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069218 1/7/25 Possible Missions, Inc $1,053.17 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069219 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $62.94 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069220 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $143.78 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069221 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $401.83 Shelf stable juice Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069222 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $479.64 Scissors Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069224 1/7/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $251.64 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069225 1/15/25 2/4/25 2/3/26 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCE $19,346.88 Internet services Group Purchase DIR
UTARL 0000069226 1/8/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $62.92 Cloth tape Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069227 1/8/25 Possible Missions, Inc $295.75 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069228 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $83.94 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069229 1/15/25 1/16/25 9/26/25 SYSTEM SOFT TECHNOLOGIES, INC $140,800.00 Temporary personnel services Group Purchase DIR
UTARL 0000069230 1/8/25 Possible Missions, Inc $168.43 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069231 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $17.16 Universal pipette tips Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069232 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $79.31 Binders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069233 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $196.07 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069234 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $86.58 Notebooks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069235 1/8/25 ULINE INC $2,115.00 Work benches Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069236 1/8/25 Possible Missions, Inc $862.00 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069237 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $299.08 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069238 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $56.01 Paper towels Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069239 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $954.76 Alkaline batteries Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069240 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $158.08 Air freshener Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069241 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $462.64 Chairs Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069242 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $59.70 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069243 1/8/25 BREPOLS PUBLISHERS NV $2,115.00 Remote database information retrieval services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069244 1/8/25 FACILITECH INC dba Business Interiors $11,020.99 Office furniture Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069245 1/8/25 FACILITECH INC dba Business Interiors $11,830.56 Furniture Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069246 1/8/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $87.52 Phone headsets Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069247 1/8/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $1,774.72 Free standing lecterns Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069248 1/8/25 TREMONTI CONSULTING, LLC $14,500.00 Business intelligence consulting services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069249 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $55.05 Gel pens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069250 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $198.85 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069251 1/8/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $285.70 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069252 1/8/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $3,003.93 Televisions Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069253 1/8/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $667.44 Headphones Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069254 1/8/25 Possible Missions, Inc $43.50 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069255 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $142.78 Game accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069256 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $178.71 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069257 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $93.40 Label making tapes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069258 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $54.66 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069259 1/8/25 AIRGAS, INC $4,046.56 Argon gas Ar Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069260 1/8/25 Possible Missions, Inc $876.52 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069261 1/8/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $151.79 Self adhesive note paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069262 1/9/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,948.34 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069263 1/9/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $209.87 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069264 1/9/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $6,016.38 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069265 1/9/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $11,092.92 Notebook computers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069266 1/9/25 APPLE INC $3,668.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069267 1/9/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $7,116.80 Library software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069268 1/9/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $168.03 Tape dispensers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069269 1/9/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $124.35 Label making tapes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069270 1/9/25 CAMBRIDGE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC DATA CENTRE $5,883.00 Online database information retrieval service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069271 1/9/25 ABLE CLOUD ADVISORS, LLC $2,625.00 Application service providers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069272 1/9/25 ELES CORPORATION $1,035.00 Cleaning equipment Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069273 1/9/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $414.03 Chairs Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069274 1/28/25 ROMEO MUSIC, LLC $25,995.00 Specialized sound equipment installation service Group Purchase BUYBOARD
UTARL 0000069275 1/9/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $33.99 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069276 1/9/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $467.72 Cart Accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069277 1/9/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $333.72 Headphones Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069278 1/9/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $338.81 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069279 1/9/25 SubitUp, Inc. $4,672.00 Calendar and scheduling software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069280 1/9/25 CREATION ENGINE, INC. $1,500.00 Business function specific software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069281 1/9/25 MPULSE HEALTHCARE & TECHNOLOGY, LLC $380.97 Earphone Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069282 1/16/25 AVI-SPL LLC $82,550.00 Computer software licensing service Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069283 1/13/25 11/2/22 10/31/25 PlanGrid, Inc $36,540.00 Education and Training Services Sole Source Proprietary
UTARL 0000069284 1/9/25 Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP $8,484.00 Absorption chiller heater Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069285 1/9/25 TEXAS AIRSYSTEMS LLC $9,897.00 Safety valves Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069286 1/9/25 TEXAS AIRSYSTEMS LLC $8,390.00 Valves Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069287 1/9/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $369.78 Furnaces Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069288 1/9/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $8,797.05 Cable ties Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069289 1/9/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $323.88 Aluminum profile extrusions Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069290 1/9/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $2,837.90 Hardware Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069291 1/9/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $493.23 Time delay fuses Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069292 1/24/25 DBA: VICON $424,321.40 Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services Sole Source Compatibility w/ Existing Eqpt
UTARL 0000069293 1/10/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $66.14 Meeting planners Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069294 1/10/25 Square Grove LLC dba Uplift Desk and Hum $11,635.00 Furniture and Furnishings Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069295 1/10/25 BRICK EXPERTS INC. $5,000.00 Bricklaying service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069296 1/10/25 ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS INC $1,322.57 Vehicle rental Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069297 1/10/25 ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS INC $3,823.54 Vehicle rental Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069298 1/10/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $286.19 Alkaline batteries Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069299 1/10/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $148.96 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069300 1/17/25 Seattle Technology Group, Inc. $15,770.75 Computer software licensing rental or leasing service Sole Source Software Renewal/Maintenance
UTARL 0000069301 1/10/25 ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS INC $3,232.50 Vehicle rental Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069302 1/10/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $71.63 Crisps or chips or pretzels or mixes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069303 1/10/25 FUJIAN SUNYBIOTECH CO., LTD $12,000.00 Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA sequence analyzer reagents Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069304 1/10/25 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA INC $956.15 Inkjet printers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069305 1/10/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $190.63 Solid state drive SSD Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069306 1/10/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $57.67 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069307 1/10/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $85.59 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069308 1/10/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $186.03 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069309 1/15/25 FACILITECH INC dba Business Interiors $41,500.45 Furniture Group Purchase Vizient GPO
UTARL 0000069310 1/14/25 12/3/24 12/2/25 FEI COMPANY $41,301.00 Engineering equipment maintenance services Sole Source Compatibility w/ Existing Eqpt
UTARL 0000069311 1/10/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $79.49 Household disinfectants Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069312 1/10/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $275.37 Digital cameras Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069313 1/10/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $435.15 Ink cartridges Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069314 1/10/25 Lyft Inc $1,935.87 Passenger road transportation Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069315 1/10/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $2,142.36 Safety boots Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069316 1/13/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $27.49 Computer mouse or trackballs Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069317 1/13/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $206.24 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069318 1/13/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $654.96 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069319 1/13/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $2,802.31 Computer displays Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069320 1/13/25 APPLE INC $2,408.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069321 1/13/25 APPLE INC $978.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069322 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $225.39 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069323 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $341.02 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069324 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $483.42 Self adhesive note paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069325 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $259.58 File storage boxes or organizers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069326 1/13/25 DEAF ACTION CENTER $540.00 Interpreters Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069327 1/13/25 DEAF ACTION CENTER $540.00 Interpreters Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069328 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $62.30 Natural sugars or sweetening products Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069329 1/13/25 Infection Controls Inc dba GermBlast $5,627.24 Disease prevention or control services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069330 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $175.65 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069331 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $506.08 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069332 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $255.69 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069333 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $393.28 Drawer Organizers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069334 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $280.20 Waste containers or rigid liners Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069335 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $167.49 Task seating Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069336 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $55.57 Bottled water dispensers or accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069337 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $790.83 Domestic disposable cups or glasses or lids Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069338 1/13/25 NEW TANGRAM, LLC $4,306.46 Furniture and Furnishings Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069339 1/22/25 ACUITY BRANDS LIGHTING INC $178,664.00 Lighting Fixtures and Accessories Sole Source Meets Unique Specifications
UTARL 0000069340 1/13/25 ACUITY BRANDS LIGHTING INC $13,128.00 Lighting Fixtures and Accessories Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069341 1/13/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,895.90 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069342 1/13/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,610.00 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069343 1/13/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,597.47 Desktop computers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069344 1/13/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,062.18 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069345 1/13/25 APPLE INC $79.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069346 1/13/25 PHOTO SHELTER, INC $778.08 Photo or picture albums or organizers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069347 1/21/25 WRG LLC $48,714.77 Furniture and Furnishings Group Purchase Vizient GPO
UTARL 0000069348 1/13/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $988.82 Hard disk drives Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069349 1/13/25 HubSpot Inc $5,400.00 Information exchange software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069350 1/13/25 Possible Missions, Inc $69.64 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069351 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $144.76 Domestic plates Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069352 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $274.08 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069353 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $135.22 Notebooks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069354 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $91.10 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069355 1/13/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $139.39 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069356 1/21/25 NEW TANGRAM, LLC $50,481.45 Furniture and Furnishings Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069357 1/23/25 LEICA MICROSYSTEMS INC $15,406.78 Microtomes Competitive Competitively Bid
UTARL 0000069358 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $399.77 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069359 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $829.42 Paper towels Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069360 1/14/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $3,816.28 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069361 1/14/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,640.12 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069362 1/14/25 APPLE INC $69.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069363 1/14/25 APPLE INC $1,066.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069364 1/14/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $1,092.11 Stage or projection or studio lighting system Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069365 1/14/25 Possible Missions, Inc $747.17 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069366 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $55.15 Respirators Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069367 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $148.24 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069368 1/14/25 Possible Missions, Inc $1,834.19 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069369 1/14/25 Possible Missions, Inc $212.02 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069370 1/14/25 Possible Missions, Inc $196.10 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069371 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $218.23 Filter tip pipette tips Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069372 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $320.30 Mailer Accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069373 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $180.55 Ink cartridges Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069374 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,087.60 Wooden pencils Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069375 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $143.21 Seating parts or accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069376 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $95.58 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069377 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $83.58 Meeting planners Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069378 1/14/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $716.29 Non dairy creamers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069379 1/15/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $83.68 Addressing or mailing labels Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069380 1/15/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $304.00 Domestic disposable flatware Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069381 1/22/25 12/1/24 11/30/25 EX LIBRIS USA INC $196,466.30 Library software Sole Source Continuity of Service/Research
UTARL 0000069382 1/15/25 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA INC $463.44 Telecom equipment maintenance or support Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069383 1/15/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $875.98 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069384 1/15/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,559.87 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069385 1/15/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $249.72 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069386 1/15/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $659.98 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069387 1/15/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $170.09 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069388 1/15/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $99.99 Computer accessories Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069389 1/15/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $1,012.71 Network service equipment Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069390 1/15/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $664.60 Antenna accessory Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069391 1/15/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $666.00 Audio and visual equipment Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069392 1/15/25 Possible Missions, Inc $43.50 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069393 1/15/25 Possible Missions, Inc $65.48 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069394 1/15/25 Possible Missions, Inc $89.60 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069395 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $154.00 Laboratory and scientific equipment Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069396 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $251.61 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069397 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $63.90 Scissors Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069398 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $61.06 Soaps Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069399 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $754.10 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069400 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $229.58 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069401 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $91.34 Surge suppressers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069402 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $235.92 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069403 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $89.52 Alkaline batteries Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069404 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $144.86 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069405 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $82.56 Meeting planners Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069406 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $75.74 Domestic plates Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069407 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $520.73 Domestic disposable cups or glasses or lids Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069408 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $362.29 Safety hooks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069409 1/15/25 RECLAIM HOSTING L.L.C. $8,256.00 Computer servers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069410 1/15/25 THE VOICE SOCIETY LLC $6,067.50 Brand marketing or advertising instructional materials Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069411 1/15/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $6,921.82 Hardware Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069412 1/15/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $3,065.70 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069413 1/15/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $1,294.10 Door sweep Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069414 1/15/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $230.52 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069415 1/15/25 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC $1,744.00 Phone headsets Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069416 1/15/25 ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS INC $3,028.24 Vehicle rental Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069417 1/15/25 MTS SYSTEMS $6,617.00 Force or torque sensors Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069418 1/15/25 MCNEESE STATE UNIVERSITY $2,500.00 Guarantee agreements Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069419 1/15/25 CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE $7,765.00 Lease and rental of property or building Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069420 1/15/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,607.57 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069421 1/15/25 APPLE INC $249.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069422 1/15/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $550.51 Computer displays Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069423 1/15/25 Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P $9,730.00 Management & Business Professionals & Administrative Svcs Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069424 1/15/25 Possible Missions, Inc $98.42 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069425 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $103.39 Ink cartridges Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069426 1/15/25 Permanent Software Group Operations LLC $3,229.60 License management software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069427 1/15/25 SOUTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE $1,000.00 Guarantee agreements Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069428 1/15/25 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA MONROE $2,000.00 Guarantee agreements Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069429 1/23/25 COMPACT INFORMATION SYSTEMS LLC DBA DEEP $25,000.00 Recruitment services Sole Source Meets Unique Specifications
UTARL 0000069430 1/15/25 APPLE INC $1,708.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069431 1/21/25 LANE PRESS INC, THE $76,880.50 Publication printing Competitive Competitively Bid
UTARL 0000069432 1/15/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $189.98 Computer displays Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069433 1/15/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $950.13 Camera lens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069434 1/15/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $950.13 Camera lens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069435 1/24/25 9/21/24 8/31/25 Digital Resources Inc $64,818.00 Server software maintenance Group Purchase BUYBOARD
UTARL 0000069436 1/15/25 Possible Missions, Inc $690.97 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069437 1/15/25 Possible Missions, Inc $854.09 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069438 1/15/25 Possible Missions, Inc $823.19 Laboratory and scientific equipment Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069439 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $269.19 Protective gloves Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069440 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $97.16 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069441 1/29/25 11/1/24 10/31/29 Accessible Information Management LLC $16,766.00 Database management system software maintenance Other Types State - Other
UTARL 0000069442 1/31/25 KAVI ASSOCIATES LLC, DBA KAVI GLOBAL LLC $50,000.00 Patient exam and monitoring products Sole Source Contractor/Grantor Requirement
UTARL 0000069443 1/15/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $99.96 Door stops Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069444 1/15/25 MICHAEL LAGOCKI $1,500.00 Guides and interpreters Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069445 1/16/25 Possible Missions, Inc $913.75 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069446 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $40.80 Pipette racks or stands Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069447 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,075.34 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069448 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $2,532.62 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069449 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $55.78 Laundry products Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069450 1/16/25 PARTY HEADPHONES $1,937.55 Headphones Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069451 1/16/25 OCLC ONLINE COMPUTER LIBRARY CENTER INCO $9,275.70 Library software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069452 1/16/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $79.10 Paper towel dispensers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069453 1/16/25 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC $89.80 Copier Rental or Leasing Services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069454 1/16/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $275.40 Network service equipment Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069455 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,892.53 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069456 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $89.50 Masking tape Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069457 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $87.81 Marking Pens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069458 1/16/25 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT, LLC $7,427.50 Domestic kitchen appliances Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069459 1/16/25 ASH LIMO TRANSPORTATION $4,400.00 Passenger transport Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069460 1/16/25 INQ CONSULTING CORPORATION $5,000.00 Public relations and professional communications services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069461 1/16/25 ANIXTER INC $5,320.00 Power cable Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069462 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $147.25 Meeting planners Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069463 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $58.04 Bulletin boards or accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069464 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $74.67 Label making tapes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069465 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $108.09 Soft drinks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069466 1/22/25 UNDER ARMOUR, INC. $42,835.76 Uniforms Other Types State - Other
UTARL 0000069467 1/16/25 BIG STAR BRANDING $718.20 T-shirts Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069468 1/16/25 D&R EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE LLC $9,424.46 Infrastructure maintenance and repair services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069469 1/16/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $3,474.26 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069470 1/16/25 IDENTISYS INCORPORATED $4,962.00 Contracts Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069471 1/16/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $184.42 Packaging tape Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069472 1/16/25 APPLE INC $87.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069473 1/16/25 KURT J LESKER CO $8,995.00 Stainless steel pipe plate flange Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069474 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $58.42 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069475 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $246.65 Leaf tea Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069476 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $399.45 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069477 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $210.45 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069478 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $52.37 Folders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069479 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $135.04 Multipurpose paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069480 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $57.63 Alkaline batteries Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069481 1/16/25 ACCURATUS CORPORATION $133,442.15 Power supply units Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069482 1/29/25 TENNESON WOOLF CONSULTING $52,800.00 Educational guidance services Other Types Exempt
UTARL 0000069483 1/23/25 12/14/24 12/13/25 DCI CONSULTING GROUP, INC. $20,663.00 Human resources consulting service Sole Source Meets Unique Specifications
UTARL 0000069484 1/16/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $4,930.94 Toilets Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069485 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $408.54 Label making tapes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069486 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $71.76 Staplers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069487 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $167.20 Printer labels Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069488 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $59.80 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069489 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $121.44 Paper towels Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069490 1/16/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $610.67 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069491 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $148.99 Domestic refrigerators Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069492 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $179.00 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069493 1/17/25 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC $3,000.00 Copier Rental or Leasing Services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069494 1/17/25 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC $3,000.00 Copier Rental or Leasing Services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069495 1/17/25 Possible Missions, Inc $798.48 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069496 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,897.71 Chairs Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069497 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $329.58 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069498 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $399.30 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069499 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $207.91 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069500 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $53.55 Travel carts Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069501 1/17/25 Ultra Extreme Inc $4,000.00 Self storage or mini storage service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069502 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $378.63 Expandable file folders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069503 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $2,097.00 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069504 1/17/25 ELITE CUSTOM GLASS $7,225.00 Building maintenance and repair services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069505 1/17/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,314.76 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069506 1/17/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,751.96 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069507 1/17/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $2,828.10 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069508 1/17/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $8,933.16 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069509 1/17/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,668.86 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069510 1/17/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,289.25 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069511 1/17/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $53.74 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069512 1/24/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $24,660.72 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069513 1/17/25 APPLE INC $1,638.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069514 1/17/25 APPLE INC $2,198.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069515 1/17/25 APPLE INC $249.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069516 1/17/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $3,463.54 Network routers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069517 1/17/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $321.01 Solid state drive SSD Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069518 1/17/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $819.69 Keyboards Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069519 1/17/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $507.42 Hard disk drives Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069520 1/17/25 Possible Missions, Inc $54.97 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069521 1/17/25 Possible Missions, Inc $505.76 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069522 1/17/25 Possible Missions, Inc $53.99 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069523 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $104.36 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069524 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,529.34 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069525 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $646.49 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069526 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $87.95 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069527 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $395.81 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069528 1/17/25 INVENGO AMERICAN CORP $2,304.00 Maintenance or support fees Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069529 1/17/25 SMARTSHEET INC $3,270.00 Industry specific software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069530 1/17/25 JOHNSON COUNTY PIPE INC. $4,691.68 Industrial concrete pipe Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069531 1/17/25 Possible Missions, Inc $968.63 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069532 1/17/25 Possible Missions, Inc $66.93 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069533 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $450.28 Air circulators Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069534 1/17/25 DFW Scientific Refrigeration, Inc $4,170.00 Fan Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069535 1/17/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $1,504.66 Spades Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069536 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $54.93 Dry erase boards or accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069537 1/17/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $147.56 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069538 1/20/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $50.63 Paper towels Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069539 1/20/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $76.53 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069540 1/21/25 Possible Missions, Inc $887.40 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069541 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $57.30 Medical syringes with needle Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069543 1/21/25 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC $861.05 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069544 1/21/25 Possible Missions, Inc $711.63 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069545 1/21/25 Possible Missions, Inc $361.92 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069546 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $372.20 Biochemicals Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069547 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $68.40 Laboratory wash bottles Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069548 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $137.30 Sponges Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069549 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $208.65 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069550 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $114.55 Writing paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069551 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $245.54 Facial tissues Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069552 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $239.82 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069553 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $109.99 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069554 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $66.10 Tab indexes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069555 1/21/25 SOUTHERN AUTOMATION, LLC $7,461.00 Furniture and Furnishings Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069556 1/21/25 THE CHANCELLOR, MASTERS & SCHOLARS OF TH $5,939.69 Information technology consultation services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069557 1/21/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $109.07 Paper cutters or refills Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069558 1/21/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $85.80 Diaries or refills Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069559 1/21/25 Possible Missions, Inc $166.55 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069560 1/21/25 Possible Missions, Inc $493.07 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069561 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $51.02 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069562 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $54.39 Meeting planners Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069563 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,080.46 Mechanical pencils Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069564 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $50.59 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069565 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,215.68 Digital cameras Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069566 1/21/25 Emma Inc $3,826.32 Sales and marketing software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069567 1/21/25 GMT EUROPE GMBH $5,696.05 Industrial Mfg & Processing Machinery & Accessories Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069568 1/21/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $569.99 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069569 1/21/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $4,316.23 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069570 1/21/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $11,601.66 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069571 1/21/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $73.34 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069572 1/21/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $2,559.36 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069573 1/21/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $7,149.44 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069574 1/21/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $6,812.69 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069575 1/21/25 APPLE INC $2,048.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069577 1/21/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $263.50 Universal serial bus USB extension cable Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069578 1/21/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $881.50 Chart Paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069579 1/21/25 Possible Missions, Inc $3,199.38 Laboratory and scientific equipment Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069580 1/21/25 Possible Missions, Inc $687.23 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069581 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $67.89 Pipettor reagent reservoir Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069582 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $240.05 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069583 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $53.19 Clipboards Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069584 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $51.33 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069585 1/31/25 11/22/24 11/21/25 DEVELOPMENT CUBED SOFTWARE, INC. $25,605.25 Presentation software Other Types State - Other
UTARL 0000069586 1/21/25 MPULSE HEALTHCARE & TECHNOLOGY, LLC $360.11 Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069587 1/21/25 CHUCK FOWLER INC., DBA INM MARKETING GRO $3,000.00 Promotional merchandise Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069588 1/21/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $34.39 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069589 1/21/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,737.33 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069590 1/21/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,942.20 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069591 1/21/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $269.53 Business function specific software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069593 1/21/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $484.54 Three dimensional 3D glasses for use with 3D televisions and Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069594 1/21/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $992.17 Three dimensional 3D glasses for use with 3D televisions and Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069595 1/21/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $112.40 Computer cable Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069596 1/21/25 ZIMMERER KUBOTA AND EQUIPMENT INC $10,592.44 Furniture and Furnishings Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069597 1/21/25 Possible Missions, Inc $55.50 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069598 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $479.47 Domestic disposable dishes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069599 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $294.89 Chairs Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069600 1/21/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $61.70 Wrist rests Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069601 1/21/25 Juan Francisco Murillo $14,985.00 Labor fee Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069602 1/21/25 GREENERU, INC. $7,070.00 Environmental reporting services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069603 1/21/25 ASH LIMO TRANSPORTATION $4,700.00 Passenger road transportation Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069604 1/21/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $2,345.51 Air compressors Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069605 1/21/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $1,643.33 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069606 1/21/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $262.12 Gas Cylinder Accessories Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069607 1/21/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $1,178.16 Furnaces Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069608 1/21/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $9,463.59 Lamp ballasts Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069609 1/29/25 12/1/24 11/30/25 TMA SYSTEMS LLC $29,284.03 Helpdesk or call center software Sole Source Software Renewal/Maintenance
UTARL 0000069610 1/22/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $273.74 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069611 1/22/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $1,530.50 Camera lens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069612 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $477.36 Hand sanitizer Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069613 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $162.69 Shelf stable milk or butter products Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069614 1/22/25 ILLUMINA INC $10,788.32 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069615 1/22/25 Possible Missions, Inc $945.30 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069616 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $123.11 Marking Pens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069617 1/22/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $57.30 Vulcanized rubber Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069618 1/22/25 ROADRUNNER CHARTERS INC dba Lone Star Co $750.00 Passenger road transportation Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069619 1/22/25 Possible Missions, Inc $1,246.04 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069620 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,157.13 Backpacks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069621 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $119.54 Chocolate or chocolate substitute candy Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069622 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $136.96 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069623 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $122.51 Facial tissues Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069624 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $66.64 Badges or badge holders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069625 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $94.21 Badges or badge holders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069626 1/22/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $206.24 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069627 1/22/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $206.24 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069629 1/22/25 APPLE INC $47.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069630 1/22/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $965.54 Computer accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069631 1/22/25 Possible Missions, Inc $1,884.46 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069632 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $406.52 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069633 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $50.76 Surge suppressers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069634 1/22/25 Follett Higher Education Group $1,516.00 Thin client computers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069635 1/22/25 RELEVANCE LLC $9,900.00 Employee education Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069636 1/22/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $84.49 Ink cartridges Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069637 1/22/25 Possible Missions, Inc $98.80 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069638 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $189.44 Paper shredding machines or accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069639 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $109.33 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069640 1/22/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $94.95 Power adapters or inverters Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069641 1/23/25 Possible Missions, Inc $1,183.64 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069642 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $394.43 Bookcases Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069643 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $179.24 Napkins Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069644 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $266.17 Scissors Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069645 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $963.26 Facial tissues Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069646 1/23/25 AVI-SPL LLC $11,379.76 Lecterns and sound systems and accessories Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069647 1/23/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $128.64 Fluorescent lamps Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069648 1/27/25 FACILITECH INC dba Business Interiors $49,477.98 Furniture Group Purchase Vizient GPO
UTARL 0000069649 1/23/25 Possible Missions, Inc $150.85 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069650 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $145.53 Binders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069651 1/23/25 TECHNICAL SAFETY SERVICES, LLC $2,589.00 Cabinets Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069652 1/23/25 GENSCRIPT USA INCORPORATED $3,750.00 Bovine production services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069653 1/23/25 MAVERICK JACKETS, INC. $7,400.00 Athletic wear Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069654 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $981.33 Preserved animals and organisms Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069655 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $142.62 Postal scales Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069656 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $461.51 Gel pens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069657 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $65.96 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069658 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $283.79 Flash memory Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069659 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $217.50 Marking Pens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069660 1/23/25 DVSPORT, INC. $3,500.00 Video monitors Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069661 1/23/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $104.77 Adhesive dry bandages Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069662 1/23/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $108.86 Stamps Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069663 1/23/25 DIPERT TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION LTD $1,080.00 Charter bus services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069664 1/23/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $127.19 Audio and visual equipment Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069665 1/23/25 Possible Missions, Inc $69.10 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069666 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $96.96 Meeting planners Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069667 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $302.25 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069668 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $234.49 Adhesive mounts Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069669 1/23/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $99.50 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069670 1/23/25 ALL BATTERY CENTERS, INC $8,478.20 Batteries Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069671 1/23/25 SPECIAL EVENT SEATING, INC $3,560.00 Seating Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069672 1/23/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $223.28 Hardware Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069673 1/23/25 Possible Missions, Inc $667.92 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069674 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $67.98 Slide film Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069675 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,558.58 Notebooks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069676 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $408.54 Label making tapes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069677 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $74.17 Packaging pouches or bags Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069679 1/24/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $184.81 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069680 1/24/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $2,450.92 Hardware Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069681 1/24/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $127.52 Stretch wrap films Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069682 1/24/25 Possible Missions, Inc $304.89 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069683 1/24/25 Possible Missions, Inc $194.42 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069684 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $456.12 Syringe filters Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069685 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $219.96 Gel pens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069686 1/24/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $133.53 Sweet biscuits or cookies Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069687 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $167.12 Printer labels Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069688 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $110.67 Document holder Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069689 1/24/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $87.31 Appointment books or refills Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069690 1/24/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $70.85 Audio and visual equipment Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069691 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $1,140.51 Janitorial equipment Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069692 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $246.36 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069693 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $196.34 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069694 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $74.70 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069695 1/24/25 HOLLINGER METAL EDGE-VA INC. $7,428.37 Boxes Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069696 1/24/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $1,232.28 Alkyl Ammonium Compounds Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069697 1/24/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $1,900.88 Fall protection lanyard Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069698 1/24/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $152.19 Pen or flash drive Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069699 1/24/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $308.28 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069700 1/24/25 DIPERT TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION LTD $742.50 Charter bus services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069701 1/24/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,249.11 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069702 1/24/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $1,947.52 Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069703 1/24/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $65.24 Keyboards Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069704 1/24/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $219.98 Computer displays Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069705 1/24/25 Possible Missions, Inc $2,971.06 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069706 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $200.76 Dust brushes or pans Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069707 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $265.55 Domestic disposable cups or glasses or lids Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069708 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $114.96 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069709 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $360.61 Paper towels Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069710 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $134.89 Notebooks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069711 1/30/25 Cloud Ingenuity LLC $8,631.08 Digital mobile network infrastructure equipment & components Group Purchase DIR
UTARL 0000069712 1/24/25 Rise Vision Inc $6,197.64 License or registration fee Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069714 1/24/25 D&R EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE LLC $7,224.00 Fiber optic cable installation service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069715 1/24/25 SUSAN ELROD $9,000.00 Training workshop service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069716 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $101.18 Badges or badge holders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069717 1/24/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $513.89 Domestic coffee makers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069718 1/24/25 DEAF ACTION CENTER $320.00 Interpreters Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069719 1/24/25 DEAF ACTION CENTER $1,640.00 Interpreters Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069720 1/27/25 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC $654.12 Copier Rental or Leasing Services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069721 1/27/25 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC $75.09 Copier Rental or Leasing Services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069722 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $265.02 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069723 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $150.89 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069724 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $224.67 Standard envelopes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069725 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $116.94 Facial shields parts or accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069726 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $576.05 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069727 1/27/25 HALO Branded Solutions, Inc. $507.90 Promotional merchandise Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069728 1/27/25 Lyft Inc $6.88 Passenger road transportation Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069730 1/27/25 NEWARK CORPORATION $8,041.83 Hardware and fittings Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069731 1/27/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $2,429.24 Multimedia projectors Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069732 1/27/25 Digital Resources Inc $1,346.00 Display systems or its accessories Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069733 1/27/25 Possible Missions, Inc $255.42 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069734 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $339.20 Chocolate or malt or other hot beverages Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069735 1/29/25 UNDER ARMOUR, INC. $16,045.00 Uniforms Other Types State - Other
UTARL 0000069736 1/27/25 MISTALL INSIGHT INC. $6,056.20 Cameras Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069737 1/27/25 MANER FIRE EQUIPMENT $4,146.30 Fire extinguisher inspection maintenance and repair service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069738 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $51.82 Natural sugars or sweetening products Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069739 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,158.83 Vacuum cleaners Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069740 1/27/25 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY COMPANY $5,325.79 Hardware and fittings Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069741 1/27/25 HOGENTOGLER & COMPANY INC $8,664.10 Laboratory balances Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069742 1/27/25 BIO-RAD LABORATORIES INC $1,680.72 Purified genomic deoxyribonucleic acids DNA Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069743 1/27/25 DBA VERIZON WIRELESS $5,850.00 Mobile phones Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069744 1/27/25 Top2Bottom Marketing, Inc $500.00 Police uniforms Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069745 1/27/25 Possible Missions, Inc $173.26 Laboratory and scientific equipment Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069746 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $119.56 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069747 1/27/25 GENESEE SUPPLY COMPANY INC $793.75 Digital mobile network infrastructure equipment & components Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069748 1/27/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $125.26 Decorative Storage Systems Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069749 1/27/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $4,300.96 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069750 1/27/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $17,904.14 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069751 1/27/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $2,377.38 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069752 1/27/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,657.38 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069753 1/27/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,631.70 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069754 1/27/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $2,296.03 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069755 1/27/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $39,984.01 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069756 1/27/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $12,908.39 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069757 1/27/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $67.98 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069758 1/27/25 APPLE INC $3,813.95 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069759 1/27/25 APPLE INC $3,813.95 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069760 1/27/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $373.30 Laser printers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069761 1/27/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $29.99 Computer accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069762 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $141.40 Ink cartridges Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069763 1/27/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $160.11 Household disinfectants Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069764 1/27/25 POINT EMBLEMS LLC $2,690.00 Mint coin collections Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069765 1/27/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $150.63 Camera tripods Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069766 1/28/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $526.18 Hard disk drives Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069767 1/28/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $554.92 Photographic or picture mounting or framing services Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069768 1/28/25 MPULSE HEALTHCARE & TECHNOLOGY, LLC $1,155.91 Computer mouse or trackballs Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069769 1/28/25 MPULSE HEALTHCARE & TECHNOLOGY, LLC $122.02 Keyboards Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069770 1/28/25 OUTPUT SPORTS LIMITED $3,279.00 Software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069771 1/28/25 JACKSON LABORATORY $12,927.76 Lab Research Animals Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069771 1/28/25 JACKSON LABORATORY $12,927.76 Road cargo transport Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069772 1/28/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $90.77 Hanging organizers or accessories Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069773 1/28/25 ROADRUNNER CHARTERS INC dba Lone Star Co $3,213.70 Charter bus services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069774 1/28/25 UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT $5,012.00 Color charts or samples Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069775 1/28/25 Possible Missions, Inc $306.75 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069776 1/28/25 Possible Missions, Inc $40.56 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069777 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $623.28 Freestanding tables Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069778 1/28/25 EDENROC SCIENCES, LLC $5,775.00 Nucleic acid DNA and RNA extraction and purification and qua Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069779 1/28/25 ESIX SPORTSWEAR INC $620.00 Key chains or key cases Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069780 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $405.86 Inorganic compounds Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069781 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $53.74 Call bells Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069782 1/29/25 BIDADOO INC $194,568.85 Tools and General Machinery Sole Source Compatibility w/ Existing Eqpt
UTARL 0000069783 1/28/25 COLLEEN DUTTON $1,000.00 Organizational structure consultation Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069784 1/28/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $708.62 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069785 1/28/25 Possible Missions, Inc $90.98 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069786 1/28/25, Inc $349.00 Internet advertising Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069787 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,402.62 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069788 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $73.92 Ink cartridges Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069789 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $114.05 Printer or facsimile or photocopier drums Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069790 1/28/25 CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORP $4,060.25 Business function specific software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069791 1/28/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $50.28 Certificate frames Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069792 1/28/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $136.36 General purpose cleaners Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069793 1/28/25 COWTOWN BUS CHARTERS INC $1,409.40 Passenger road transportation Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069794 1/28/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,657.38 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069795 1/28/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $3,687.62 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069796 1/28/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $214.96 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069798 1/28/25 THORLABS INC $4,782.08 Post Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069799 1/28/25 SEATING SPECIALISTS LLC $7,452.28 Furniture and Furnishings Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069800 1/28/25 PaperTone Enterprises LLC $1,176.40 Plotter paper Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069801 1/28/25 Possible Missions, Inc $612.24 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069802 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $110.78 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069803 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $695.88 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069804 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $114.17 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069805 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $60.12 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069806 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $468.82 Catalog or clasp envelopes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069807 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $242.18 General purpose cleaners Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069808 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $330.17 Marking Pens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069809 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $77.07 Notebooks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069810 1/28/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $75.01 Water Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069811 1/28/25 Cloud Ingenuity LLC $3,399.14 Security and control equipment Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069812 1/28/25 Cloud Ingenuity LLC $3,399.14 Security and control equipment Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069813 1/31/25 2/16/25 2/15/26 VIAS ACADEMIA LLC $17,647.50 Educational or reference software Sole Source Continuity of Service/Research
UTARL 0000069815 1/28/25 84 LUMBER COMPANY $8,465.26 Structures & Bldg & Construction & Mfg Components & Supplies Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069816 1/28/25 HERC RENTALS INC. $7,822.21 Transportation and Storage and Mail Services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069817 1/28/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $170.00 Vacuum cleaner supplies or accessories Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069818 1/28/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $263.16 Electrical hangers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069819 1/28/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $765.92 Grease Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069820 1/28/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $1,641.81 Thermostats Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069822 1/28/25 NOUVEAU EMERGING SOLUTIONS, L.L.C. $2,581.00 Fiber optic cable installation service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069824 1/29/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $25.59 Domestic trays or platters Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069825 1/29/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $29.99 Circuit protection devices and accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069826 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $902.43 Instant tea Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069827 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $111.78 Domestic disposable cups or glasses or lids Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069829 1/29/25 NIKON INSTRUMENTS INC $111.60 Phase sequence indicator Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069830 1/29/25 BIO-RAD LABORATORIES INC $334.15 Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid cDNA libraries Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069831 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $140.11 Sugar or sugar substitute candy Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069832 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $150.40 Notebooks Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069833 1/29/25 USTOPIT INC. $3,800.00 Sports equipment and accessories Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069834 1/29/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $135.14 Liquid strainers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069835 1/29/25 DFW MOVERS & ERECTORS INC $4,200.00 Transportation services equipment Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069836 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $859.87 Biology study or activity kits Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069837 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $597.51 Solvents Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069838 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $174.67 Non dairy creamers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069839 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $840.05 Badges or badge holders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069840 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $1,142.15 Table skirts Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069841 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $83.68 Printer ribbon Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069842 1/29/25 CARIN MCCORMACK $358.00 Editing services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069843 1/29/25 LANDEROS COMMUNICATIONS LLC $2,989.00 Fiber optic cable installation service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069844 1/29/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $130.02 Vulcanized rubber Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069845 1/29/25 A&G Piping Inc. $9,772.00 Labor fee Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069846 1/29/25 Possible Missions, Inc $145.50 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069847 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $55.29 File storage boxes or organizers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069848 1/29/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $39.88 Paper bags Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069850 1/29/25 ROADRUNNER CHARTERS INC dba Lone Star Co $11,226.92 Charter bus services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069851 1/29/25 Possible Missions, Inc $16.20 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069852 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $118.88 Marking Pens Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069853 1/29/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $5,014.54 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069854 1/29/25 Possible Missions, Inc $172.21 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069855 1/29/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $113.93 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069857 1/30/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $298.00 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069858 1/30/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $178.49 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069859 1/30/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $26,810.40 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069860 1/30/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,970.29 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069861 1/30/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $535.47 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069862 1/30/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $6,972.76 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069863 1/30/25 APPLE INC $1,158.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069865 1/30/25 Konark Software Solutions LLC $4,412.88 Business function specific software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069866 1/30/25 INDUSSOFT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $1,200.00 Business function specific software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069868 1/30/25 FCX PERFORMANCE INC $7,119.84 Pump motor AC Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069869 1/30/25 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC $641.52 Microphones Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069870 1/30/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $333.38 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069871 1/30/25 APPLE INC $2,498.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069872 1/30/25 Clint Hopkins dba Hopkins Painting $14,875.00 Paints and primers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069873 1/30/25 Possible Missions, Inc $776.92 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069874 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $477.92 Domestic disposable cups or glasses or lids Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069875 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $488.96 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069876 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $167.76 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069877 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $54.00 Surge suppressers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069878 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $223.40 Ink cartridges Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069880 1/30/25 BUILDAMOC SL $3,600.00 Promotional services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069881 1/30/25 G4 GEOMATIC RESOURCES LLC $8,055.77 Scanners Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069882 1/30/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $345.79 Domestic coffee makers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069883 1/30/25 APPLE INC $2,748.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069884 1/30/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $71.24 Loud speaker stand Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069885 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $371.99 Televisions Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069886 1/30/25 R-V Industries, Inc. $11,992.80 Access control system installation service Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069887 1/30/25 MPULSE HEALTHCARE & TECHNOLOGY, LLC $414.00 Mounting kits Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069888 1/30/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $281.32 Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylic ASA Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069889 1/30/25 Possible Missions, Inc $19.45 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069890 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $517.38 Solvents Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069891 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $169.66 Natural sugars or sweetening products Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069892 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $80.99 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069893 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $335.37 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069894 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $184.90 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069895 1/30/25 HD SPECTRUM LLC $4,990.00 Entertainment services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069896 1/30/25 ANIXTER INC $6,201.00 Hinges Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069897 1/30/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $60.84 Window envelopes Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069898 1/30/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $68.91 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069899 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $402.20 Chocolate or malt or other hot beverages Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069900 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $169.57 Greeting or note or post cards Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069901 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $833.85 Multipurpose paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069902 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $59.98 Calendars Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069903 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $151.07 Vacuum cleaner supplies or accessories Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069904 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $829.42 Paper towels Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069905 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $108.73 Sweet biscuits or cookies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069906 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $269.68 Pen or pencil holders Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069907 1/30/25 Emma Inc $5,248.08 Marketing and distribution Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069908 1/30/25 CSC SERVICEWORKS, INC $6,608.70 Domestic clothes washers Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069909 1/30/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $2,701.25 Lock sets Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069910 1/30/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $745.11 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069911 1/30/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $114.80 Printer or copier paper Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069912 1/30/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $455.84 Barrier tapes or chains Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069914 1/31/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $63.56 Camera tripods Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069915 1/31/25 CARINA SCIENCE & HEALTH LLC $7,494.00 Arc lamp Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069916 1/31/25 SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS INC $2,758.25 Laboratory and Measuring and Observing and Testing Equipment Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069917 1/31/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $145.78 Multifunction machines Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069918 1/31/25 Possible Missions, Inc $183.33 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069919 1/31/25 Possible Missions, Inc $122.35 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069920 1/31/25 Possible Missions, Inc $1,031.22 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069921 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $662.39 Biochemicals Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069922 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $91.83 Cleaning cloths or wipes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069923 1/31/25 LIANG KONG $3,395.48 Management & Business Professionals & Administrative Svcs Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069924 1/31/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $110.98 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069925 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc. -VWR $2,430.90 Petri plates or dishes Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069926 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $265.78 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069927 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $75.45 Cardstock papers Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069928 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $649.26 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069930 1/31/25 TODAY'S BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC $122.64 Mechanical pencils Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069931 1/31/25 C C CREATIONS LTD $837.49 Mechanical pencils Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069932 1/31/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $437.60 Headphones Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069933 1/31/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $14.99 Audio and visual equipment Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069934 1/31/25 Possible Missions, Inc $298.87 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069935 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $319.47 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069936 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $291.95 Plastic bags Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069937 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $425.93 Bookcases Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069938 1/31/25 PLAN B LLC $3,300.00 Entertainment services Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069939 1/31/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $44.40 Hardware Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069940 1/31/25 ACTIVE MOTIF $8,500.00 DNA Sequencing Systems Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069941 1/31/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $2,416.92 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069942 1/31/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $6,841.06 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069943 1/31/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $1,863.62 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069944 1/31/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $22,016.10 Desktop computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069945 1/31/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $569.99 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069946 1/31/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $547.48 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069947 1/31/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $34.37 Computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069948 1/31/25 SUMMUS INDUSTRIES INC - Dell $2,001.89 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069949 1/31/25 APPLE INC $3,798.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069950 1/31/25 APPLE INC $687.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069951 1/31/25 APPLE INC $22,690.00 Computer Equipment and Accessories Group Purchase GPO-Other
UTARL 0000069952 1/31/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $2,136.99 Notebook computers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069953 1/31/25 SHI-Government Solutions Inc $373.26 Laser printers Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069954 1/31/25 IDEAL VACUUM PRODUCTS LLC $10,147.02 Vacuum pumps Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069955 1/31/25 B & H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP $31.99 Docking stations Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069956 1/31/25 Allied High Tech Products, Inc. $4,135.72 Hardware and fittings Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069957 1/31/25 Possible Missions, Inc $96.21 Laboratory supplies and fixtures Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069958 1/31/25 Lyft Inc $228.26 Passenger road transportation Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069959 1/31/25 Seattle Technology Group, Inc. $2,961.50 Software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069960 1/31/25 Biddle Consulting Group, Inc $2,195.00 Industry specific software Prime Source Best Value
UTARL 0000069962 1/31/25 GRAINGER/BURGOON - UTARL $2,663.69 Fire suppression system Group Purchase UT System Alliance
UTARL 0000069963 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $96.99 Printer or facsimile toner Group Purchase E&I
UTARL 0000069964 1/31/25 Summus Industries Inc.- Staples $145.16 Coffee Group Purchase E&I
UTARL UTA2024-014 11/1/24 Accessible Information Management (AIM) $255,500.00 Online Services Mgmt Software Other Types State - Other
UTARL UTA2024-008A 2/1/25 Burson Group $500,000.00 Crisis Mgmt Services Other Types State - Other
UTARL UTA2024-008B 2/1/25 Daniel J. Edelman $99,999.99 Crisis Mgmt Services Other Types State - Other