College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs Resources
This is the future site for your department's resource pages - a space dedicated to help you find content, policies, procedures, forms, and other resources unique to your department to help you with your job duties and support our UTA mission.
This space will be populated when CAPPA is scheduled for the larger site move. Information about the Web Modernization effort can be found on the dedicated Redesign blog.
We are excited for you to check back here then. And in the meantime, make use of the other resources curated at
To get back to the College of Architecture, Planning & Public Relations web presences, click here.
When will my department be migrated?
The project has been split into waves. The first wave will be migrated in August. A broad timeline is available for the remaining content that will be migrated in subsequent waves; more details will be available following the first wave migration and an evaluation of the process.
Websites in the first wave were selected based on diversity of content and broad audience to provide valuable insight for subsequent waves. The smaller group provides a manageable workload with minimized risk, while still informing the overall project. Websites in the first wave were also determined to be top-level, high-traffic pages that should concurrently adopt the same user experience established on the homepage at the time of launch.
To order the migration of remaining content, we are developing a prioritization model based on factors such as
- Business impact
- Content readiness
- Availability of migrating department's/college's resources
- Operational calendar
Please see the project timeline for details outlining the first wave migration as well as the broader, tentative timeline for the subsequent waves.
If you have questions on the migration schedule, please send them to the web modernization team at