UTA Brand Guidelines
A brand is not a logo, tagline, or jingle; it is a statement of what the University stands for. A strong and consistent brand conveys professionalism, a commitment to a vision, and trust. For every branded item or material, there is an impact and reaction.
A solid brand is repetitive and consistent. Through repetition and reinforcement, it
- builds credibility and trust,
- removes confusion and reinforces who we are,
- keeps us from jeopardizing trademark status,
- makes recruitment easier, and
- builds loyalty.
These brand guidelines focus on the technical use of our logos. By incorporating the following guidelines into the marketing and communications materials you create, you help the University spread its message and further its mission of advancing knowledge and pursuing excellence.
Branding Standards
Our Brand Voice
The UTA brand is rooted in the University’s mission, vision, and values. Designs should reflect these ideals and rise to these standards.
Main Logo With Color Combinations
Note: The white bevel (or lighter bevel, like in the case of the all blue and orange logo) on the star, in all versions, is always on the left.
If the logo is to appear on a black section of a design or item, the overall design or item must contain more than 65% blue; if not, the all-white logo should be used. For example:
Main Logo With Wordmark Color Variations
The following are permitted color variations for the main logo and wordmark:
The Bevel on the Star
The white, or what is lightest (in the case of blue and orange), triangle on the star bevels should always be on the left.
Orange Logo on Blue, Blue Logo on Orange
Only used for one-color print jobs, not for online content or when the print order uses otherbrand-compliant colors. In two color jobs, the recommended logo color combinations should be used. For example, for a two-color job of white and orange on blue, the white logo with orange star on blue would be used; for a white and blue print job on orange, the all-white logo would be used. You will note in these examples that the lighter part of the star is always the left side for the bevel.
All blue (on orange*, never on black). Only used for one-color print jobs.
All orange (on blue*, never on black).
Note: The orange is on the left when printed orange on blue.
*Only for use with one-color print jobs, not for digital or designs that allow for other logo color combinations.
Main Colors for Print
The accessible hex values are to be used for online only, not for print. Due to accessibility standards, do not use orange for text (or reversed text on orange), but for design elements and accents.
Color | Pantone | HEX (HTML) |
Process | Madeira (thread) |
Orange | 158 | F58025 | C:0% M:61% Y:97% KK:0% | 1078 |
Blue | 293 | 0064B1 | C:100% M:62% Y:0% K:0% | 1134 |
Black | Process Black |
Secondary Colors
The secondary colors have been expanded to standardize the use of additional color. They should only be used as accents or to establish moods for the designs. They should not replace or be more prominent than the main blue and orange colors, but serve to augment them. The main colors must be the prominent colors of a design that represents UTA.
Download these swatches for Adobe Creative Suite products.
CMYK:100, 62, 0, 0
RGB:0, 100, 177
CMYK:0, 61, 97, 0
RGB:245, 128, 37
CMYK:5, 8, 10, 16
RGB:96, 188, 183
CMYK:12, 19, 19, 40
RGB:151, 140, 135
CMYK:22, 33, 28, 60
RGB:116, 102, 97
CMYK:27, 4, 1, 1
RGB:189, 214, 230
CMYK:60, 19, 1, 4
RGB:123, 175, 212
CMYK:100, 60, 10, 53
RGB:0, 56, 101
CMYK:7, 3, 5, 8
RGB:208, 211, 212
CMYK:21, 11, 9, 23
RGB:162, 170, 173
CMYK:45, 25, 16, 9
RGB:91, 103, 112
CMYK:0, 90, 9, 0
RGB:226, 69, 133
CMYK:0, 95, 27, 44
RGB:142, 44, 72
CMYK:26, 100, 19, 61
RGB:103, 33, 70
PMS:Warm Gray 1
CMYK:3, 3, 6, 7
RGB:215, 210, 203
CMYK:0, 16, 32, 0
RGB:248, 207, 169
CMYK:9, 12, 47, 18
RGB:197, 183, 131
CMYK:5, 30, 38, 12
RGB:205, 167, 136
CMYK:35, 0, 14, 0
RGB:156, 219, 217
CMYK:86, 0, 9, 0
RGB:0, 175, 215
CMYK:100, 0, 28, 20
RGB:0, 133, 155
CMYK:95, 33, 26, 1
RGB:0, 115, 152
CMYK:8, 23, 52, 15
RGB:198, 170, 118
CMYK:33, 7, 74, 5
RGB:174, 184, 98
CMYK:63, 0, 84, 0
RGB:108, 194, 74
CMYK:79, 0, 89, 22
RGB:34, 136, 72
CMYK:71, 8, 35, 4
RGB:88, 167, 175
CMYK:10, 0, 59, 0
RGB:224, 226, 124
CMYK:0, 14, 100, 0
RGB:255, 205, 0
CMYK:0, 45, 100, 0
RGB:255, 163, 0
CMYK:1, 83, 85, 0
RGB:224, 78, 57
CMYK:0, 100, 72, 0
RGB:213, 0, 50
CMYK:69, 100, 0, 8
RGB:107, 48, 119
CMYK:100, 97, 0, 30
RGB:37, 14, 98
CMYK:27, 5, 17, 18
RGB:157, 176, 172
CMYK:33, 12, 17, 0
RGB:166, 184, 193
CMYK:76, 35, 34, 18
RGB:82, 122, 138
When using the secondary colors, make sure to check color combinations for accessibility compliance for important content.
Main Logo
The permitted color variations for signatures are:
The University’s “UTA” initials logomark, along with “The University of Texas at Arlington” wordmark, is the main logo and should appear as the University’s logo on all communications. The logo has been specially drawn and spaced; do not redraw, change, stack, or reposition it.
Questions regarding proper use of the logo should be directed to University Communications.
Minimum Logo Size
The minimum size for the initials logomark should be 0.375” or larger for print and 50 px or greater for the web. These rules—which help maintain brand presence and enable legibility—apply to all signature types.
Clear Space
Use the width of the “T” crossbar to determine the space around the logo, also called the “clear space” or “exclusion zone.” At the top, bottom, left, and right of the logo, there should be no words or images placed in the area equal to the width of the “T” crossbar.
Logo Usage Without the Wordmark
The University of Texas at Arlington wordmark from the logo should never be used as a stand alone graphic, but there are instances when the logomark may be used without the wordmark.
UTA Initials Logo
The initials logo may only be used without the wordmark in a signature or when space limitations prevent the latter’s inclusion.
The A Mark (Design Element)
The A mark is for use as a design element and is no longer used as the University’s logo. (The exception is rare special cases when it can replace the UTA initials logo when space is limited and cannot be remedied by other means, such as modifying the design, reducing other content, or finding a product with a larger print area. This requires a special exception approval.)
In this example, the A mark is used in the background of the upper left
... and here the A mark is used in the background on the right.
Another example of the A as a design element on the front of this T-shirt.
Note: Replacing an “A” within a word with the A logo is not permitted.
The A Logo With Wordmark (Retired, Legacy Logo)
The A with wordmark logo or “old” logo is now a legacy logo and will begin to be retired. This does not mean that items with this logo must be replaced immediately, but as new products are ordered, the UTA Initials logo should be used, since it now serves as the university logo, replacing this one.
Sponsorship, Logo Sharing, and Co-Branding
When the UTA logo is used with another logo or on another company’s or institution’s website/materials, an agreement may need to be in place. This agreement would come from Licensing, which is managed through the UT System. Here is a link with info and contact information: https://trademarks.utexas.edu/corporate-sponsors.
Some requests may be evaluated further through University Communications or Legal. This would require a further understanding of the following:
- Where and why UTA’s logo is being used. The logo cannot be used in such a way that it could be perceived as an endorsement of a vendor’s products.
- What is the nature of the organization? Is it a for-profit organization? Do we pay them for a service? Or, is it more akin to advocacy or professional organization?
- If there is an existing MOU, contract, etc., with the outside entity, can we take a look at it? We’re scanning to see if the use of logos is already addressed.
As a general rule, UTA schools and colleges are not permitted to have anniversary designations or logos without special permission. Colleges and units may discuss and promote their longevity, special logos are reserved only for anniversaries of multiples of 25 or every 10 years after 50 years. These logos may only be used with your signature during the year of the anniversary, then retired at the end of that year.
To be granted use of the anniversary logo, the college or school must demonstrate that it will be used for fundraising. The University does not support or authorize these anniversary logos for general branding (including websites), marketing, or advertising.
If authorization is received, it is only for the duration of the calendar anniversary (not the academic) year (e.g., not Sept. 2020 - Sept. 2021). The anniversary logo must always be paired with the unit signature.
Non-academic units, departments, offices, divisions, etc., (with the exception of Faculty Senate, Student Government and Staff Council) are not permitted to use any anniversary logos as part of the UTA logo or their unit signature.
It will be paired with a college signature, like this

The signature represents your unit/sub-unit/degrees and serves as your unit's logo — no other marks are permitted to represent units/sub-units/degrees. (The only exception is federal grant-sponsored programs that have their own logos.)
Efforts to distinguish your unit should be made with messaging and the story you tell through your marketing materials, not through an independent logo.
Customized signatures for individual UTA schools, colleges, academic units, committees departments, divisions, etc. (any group organized as part of UTA), are created by integrating the name of the unit with the UTA signature using specific templates and these guidelines. There are several versions to allow for size limitations and variation for design applications.
The full suite has differently oriented versions (centered, left, horizontal), long and short versions, and color variations. Additionally, for signatures, we will be offering the option to include degrees.
The logos use Frutiger 55 Roman, tracking at -50. (The smaller all-caps text has a tracking of-10.)
Requesting a Signature
If you are in need of a signature, you can use this link, go.uta.edu/signature-request, to request one be created. Please set a realistic due date; in instances of a rush, they usually take 24-48 hours to get created, but a dependant on our current workload.
Signatures as Logo
For this usage, the “UTA” initials logomark and a signature combine to create a logo. Signatures comprise the unit type and/or name and the sub-unit type and/or name.
UTA schools, colleges, academic units, committees departments, divisions, etc. (any group organized as part of UTA), are NOT permitted to have their own distinctive logos separate and apart from the UTA logo. Individual logos at this level reduce the impact and effectiveness of the University’s brand identity.
Acronyms or Initialisms
Acronyms or initialism are not used in unit or sub-unit signatures.
Long Versions
These versions contain unit type and unit name with the sub-unit type and sub-unit name.
If your department has only a sub-unit name it will be considered a long version.
Short Versions
These versions drop the unit type and only feature the unit name, but the unit type is always larger and on top. These are not preferred; they are reserved for space limitation and audience considerations.
Note: Both the long and short versions pair the unit name to the sub-unit name. Do not mix long and short, as shown below:
The unit/sub-unit order may also be reversed.
In rare circumstances when print area space limitations constrain the design, a special exception may be granted you may use the sub-unit short and long versions alone.
Degree Signatures
The University now allows the inclusion of degree names in signatures. There is not a short version for degrees, as it must be paired with the college, not a sub-unit. Examples below:
Clear Space
When the signature is used as a logo, it has its own clear space, which is the width of the “T” inthe “UTA” logomark.
Special exceptions can be granted in situations where there is limited space.
“And” Versus “&”
Signatures use “and” not “&.”
Naming Convention
When naming files for the signature logo, we follow the formula below:
Example: Training_Program-1.blk-ct-lgsm-sub-both
[Identifier-name].[color]-[orientation]-[name+type = lg, type only = sh][font size][headliner]-[does it feature both]
- The identifier name of the signature.
- Color description: cmyk = full color (blue, orange, and black); blk = black; wht= all white; wht-orng = white with orange star.
- Alignment: ct= center aligned; lf= left aligned; hz = horizontal aligned.
- Type and size: lg = long (contains sub-unit and unit type), sh = short (does not contain sub-unit type or unit type); lgsm and shsm = a smaller font version of the lg and sh versions.
- Unit OR sub-unit inclusion, but not both: sub = contains sub-unit, but not unit; unit = contains unit but not sub-unit.
- Both unit and sub-unit inclusion: both. Note: If the sub-unit name is more prominently displayed, use sub for item E; if the unit name is more prominent, use unit for E.
Paired Sponsorship Signatures
If multiple units are sponsoring an event, format as follows:
Existing Signature Versions
Marketing materials (brochures, shirts, give-away items, flyers, online graphics, etc.) that were brand-compliant under previous standards do not need to be immediately replaced. However, when these items are ready to be updated or reordered, they must be made compliant, as the use of outdated signatures is counterproductive to the University’s efforts to create a strong brand.
Tagline Use
Taglines are not permitted to be paired with signatures or used to the extent that they are perceived as becoming part of the signature. Tagline or tagline-type messaging can be used within copy or part of a design.
Example of it not being part of the signature but a design element:
When the name of The University of Texas at Arlington is used as a standalone graphic element apart from the signature, this horizontal configuration should be used. It may not be reconfigured in any way.
Unapproved Usage
The University of Texas Arlington box wordmark is no longer in use and should never be used as a standalone wordmark.
Use of the UT Arlington Wordmark
When referring to the University in marketing outside of Athletics, use of the “UT Arlington” wordmark is not allowed for use; it is reserved for Athletics only. When referring to the University, use “The University of Texas at Arlington.”
A version of the star portion of the logomark is available to use as a design element only. It is not permitted to replace the UTA initials logo. The white triangles on the star bevels should always be on the left.
Primary Font
UTA’s primary design font is Frutiger 55 Roman, though its use is not required. In general, however, san serif fonts are preferred and recommended over serif fonts.
Within the Frutiger family, bold and light are preferred over ultra or condensed.
Note: Always purchase “open type” versions of these fonts that are usable both on PC and Mac platforms.
Licensing restrictions prevent University Communications from distributing the typefaces for free. Check to see if your unit/sub-unit has its own license for these, or purchase here:
Frutiger Family
Frutiger 55 Roman
Frutiger Substitute Font
You may substitute Arial or Helvetica when Frutiger is not available.
Secondary Fonts
These can be used with the primary fonts.
Bergen Sans
Serif Font
These typefaces may be used when the primary sans serif typefaces are not available; for example, in word processing, powerpoint presentations, and web applications.
Secondary Serif Font
You may substitute Arial or Helvetica when Frutiger is not available.
Other Decorative Fonts
Using another, more decorative, typeface is permitted if it augments a specific campaign. The supplemental typefaces should only be used for design elements—never as body text. Please feel free to contact University Communications if you have questions about your use of decorative fonts.
Blaze Use
Blaze logo without a wordmark can be used on materials to build team spirit across campus as a design element on materials that are associated with the student body or alumni as a whole. Student Affairs, Alumni Relations, and Admissions most often have materials that meet these criteria.
Blaze is not to be used in association with academic units.
The Blaze logo with the wordmark (above) is reserved for Athletics use only and not allowed in any capacity outside of Athletics.
Athletics has its own branding standards and brand manager. When using the Blaze head logo (without the wordmark), it still must meet Athletics’ branding standards.
Sport Clubs
Sport Clubs are classified under sponsored student organizations and use the same rules.
Social Media
Profile Image
The profile photo images below are the only authorized images available for social profiles. Use the one for the parent unit you work under. If your parent unit is not listed below, use the generic UTA initial badge for your profile picture. These profile photo images are only for social profile use, not for print or other online uses. The approved signatures are still what is used to represent your unit. These are available on the Logo Repository SharePoint by request at branding@uta.edu. For more information, visit the UTA Social Media Guidelines page.
Web Colors
Color | Body Text | Large Text | Fill Color (without text) | Fill Color (with text) |
Orange | C45517 | EF6E0B | F58025 | linear-gradient(CC4B14, cd4b13) |
Blue | 0064B1 | 0064B1 | 0064B1 |
These colors are web color rules only and not to be used for print. The large text color is not to replace the branding orange in print. See color section for print color rules.
Some extra liberties can be taken for stoles when tying the UTA brand to a particular college or degree. Stoles must be purchased through a licensed vendor. Please reach out to University Communications with questions.
The University seal is used for official occasions and documents only, such as branding and commencement. Its use requires special permission. It may only be reproduced from the authorized file.
To access authorized files and request permission for use, please email branding@uta.edu.
Designs that use the look of a seal are not approved for use.
We are working every day to ensure that UTA’s communications in print and online are accessible. When creating content, it needs to be accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities.
Additional best-practice guidelines for accessibility compliance can be found here: https://www.uta.edu/accessibility/eir/best-practices
Preferred online HTML fonts are Helvetica or Arial.
Accessibility for Online Color Chart
This color chart is for online use only.
Color | Body Text | Large Text | Fill Color (without text) |
Orange | C45517 | EF6E0B | F58025 |
Blue | 0064B1 | 0064B1 | 0064B1 |
Body text 12 point (16 pixels).
Large text is fonts sizes larger than 14 point bold (19 pixels) or 18 point plain (not bold) (24 pixels).
You can check color contrast accessibility standards here using the WCAG AA standard: https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/.
Accessibility for Print Color (or PDF) Chart
This chart shows the color combinations that have enough color contrast to be considered. The colors that have AAA badges are the preferred contrast; the next best is AA. The ones that have the yellow AA18 badges can be used, but not for important, essential information and must notbe used at sizes smaller than 14 point (19 pixels) and bold or 18 point (24 pixels).
Note: The UTA orange on white, white on UTA orange, UTA blue on UTA orange, and UTA orange on UTA blue do not have accessibility-compliant contrast and should not be used for crucial text information. For example, “Mav Up” or “Maverick Country” utilized as a design element would not be essential to the message and could therefore use UTA orange; “Apply Now,” an event’s time/date, URL, contact info, or any essential information would be essential and therefore must use high contrast. In print, the UTA orange should NOT be substituted for the alternate #C45517, which is reserved for web digital text. In print, the UTA orange should be used for design elements. If used for text, UTA orange must have an outline or drop shadow with accessibility-compliant contrast.
UTA orange should serve as an accent color. Do not convert it to another color in the logo or use the web’s substitute color. The branding UTA orange remains the same; its use is what needs to be modified.
On the chart above you will see the swatches that represent accessible contrast. If the square is blank, that color combination is not ADA compliant, meaning it does not have sufficient contrast to be used.
Note: The lower the number in the bottom right of the swatch, the lower the contrast and thus the less compliant.
Additional accessibility information can be found at EIR Accessibility.
There are two types of student organizations, registered (or non-sponsored) and sponsored, and each has different rules. However, both student organizations must use a licensed vendor for University logos and any text on the product. It is a common misconception that this does not require review by the University of Texas Office of Brand, Trademarks, and Licensing. This is incorrect.
Approved University Names:
The University of Texas at Arlington™
The trademark designation (™) must be included unless deemed illegible on small imprint areas.
Registered (Non-Sponsored) Student Organizations
Registered student organizations are approved by the Division of Student Affairs, but do not act as an official extension of the University. It is common for these organizations to have multiple chapters and to raise their own funds for operating expenses (for example, fraternities and sororities).
Use of UTA on Products
Registered student organizations may use the University name in plain text. The word “at” before the University name should be included whenever possible. Other options include “Chapter at UTA” or “UTA Chapter” typed below the organization name. These options designate UTA as a physical location.
In other words, registered student organizations cannot use the University name as part of their association or club name.
UTA Chess Club (Incorrect)
Chess Club at UTA (Correct)
The following policies are in accordance with UT System Board of Regents Rule 50202:
- Registered student, faculty, or staff organizations may not use the name of the university or abbreviations of its name.
- A registered student organization may not use the name of the university, its abbreviations, or the seal as a part of its name; or use the name or seal of the university on any sign, banner, or printed material or in association with any activity of the organization.
- A registered student organization may not advertise or promote events or activities or other functions in a manner that suggests that they are sponsored by the university.
Sponsored Student Organizations
Sponsored student organizations have a designated and acknowledged partnership with a University academic or administrative unit. Sponsorship by academic or administrative units requires support, endorsement, supervision, and the assumption of responsibility for the actions and activities of the sponsored student organization (for example, Student Government Association and Sport Clubs).
Logo Use
Sponsored student organizations may use official logos and the University name on a product in accordance with the branding guidelines.
UTA’s Creative Services Department offers services to help you develop your marketing materials and can review any you’ve created. Request help through this form: go.uta.edu/creative-request.
Giveaway Items, Garments
If you are developing a giveaway item that will use any UTA branding, whether a signature or logo, you are welcome to get it preapproved by emailing it to branding@uta.edu before you submit it to a licensed vendor.
When creating a design, please note that repeating your unit’s name in the design is not allowed. Your unit signature will serve to communicate your unit’s name. Instead, use words and/or images that describe the program and drive curiosity to know more, such as through a clever pun or insight about what your unit offers. You are also not allowed to create new icons, visuals, logos, or other marks that are intended to, or through repeated use, become representative of units, sub-units, degrees, etc. Your unit signature serves as your logo.
UTA Staff Garment Colors
For shirts, vests, jackets (outerwear), and hats that are frontline—like those worn for tours, admissions, or student affairs events, at the Welcome Center, and by UTA volunteers—the UTA logo must be prominent and visible on the front.
Example: This design was not approved for use because it lacked the University logo and name:
Example: These designs were approved, as it does not lean on a logo or a signature to carry the design.
Garment Colors
Shirts, vests, jackets (outerwear), and hats purchased for UTA faculty and staff can only be ordered in white, gray, black, orange, or royal blue.
Marketing-related garments, either for giveaways or for sale, are preferred in white, gray, orange, or royal blue, but can be ordered in other colors; however, shirt colors should not be purchased in red, purple, green, or maroon since those colors match the branding of other universities in our region and would create confusion within our brand. T-shirt color exceptions are possible for national events or movements that have become synonymous with a color, like breast cancer awareness (pink) or sexual assault awareness (teal). For example:
Etching, Debossing, and Embossing
If the imprint is frosted on glass, use the all-white logo. If the imprint is burned, making the imprint area darker, use the black logo.
For debossing with no color change (a depression pressed in), use the black logo. For embossing with no color change (raised from the surface), use the white logo.
Transparent Decals
Logos printed on transparent items like decals, glass, clings, or stickers should use the white logo; however, special exceptions might be made depending on the circumstances.
When trying to determine the difference between printed materials vs. non-printed materials, ask yourself the following question: Can I purchase this item in the campus bookstore? Ex: The consumer cannot and would not purchase business cards (i.e. printed materials) at the bookstore, but the consumer can and would purchase notebooks (i.e. non-printed materials) at the bookstore.
A non-exhaustive list of printed materials that do not need to be produced by a licensed vendor includes business cards, letterhead, brochures, pamphlets, flyers, promotional posters, schedule posters, schedule cards, web graphics, social media graphics, video/photography graphics, department banners, building signage, and university vehicle signage.
A non-exhaustive list of items (commonly mistaken as printed materials) that do need to be produced by a licensed vendor includes pocket folders, note pads, notebooks, day planners, portfolios, binders, decals, tablecloths, and flags.
On-campus print shops, where available, can fulfill most orders for printed materials. Otherwise, consult with your campus contact for further instruction or submit questions to trademarks@utexas.edu.
Due to the various sizes and uses of the logos on products, a standardized TM is not possible. Therefore, we do not include the TM’s on the files. The vendor is responsible for adding those based on use.
Event promotion can use a unique logo. The look and feel of the event can vary from year to year. The units associated with the event cannot use a new logo or brand for their unit when promoting an event. Use of the UTA logo and signatures on event materials must follow the guidelines.
The review process is based on guidelines outlined in the UTA Brand guidelines; however, in rare instances special expectations are granted due to the space of the printing area on a product, the budget, the type of product, the audience, etc.
- Find a UTA registered vendor
- Submit concept or artwork...
a. ...to the vendor. Approved vendors will have access to approved UTA logos and signatures. This is advised if you are confident in the design's brand compliance. Proceed to step 3.
b. ...or to UTA branding@uta.edu for review, before you send it to the vendor. This step is optional, but could remedy delays if there is an issue with the branding or design. If the artwork needs changes, the vendor or client will modify the design until compliant and approved. Proceed to step 3. - Vendor submits the design...
a. ...to UTA branding@uta.edu for review, before sending it to Licensing (through UT System). This step is optional, but is used if the vendor suspects there is an issue with the branding or to help reduce the chance of delays due to issues with the branding or design.
b. ...to Licensing (through UT System), where they evaluate for any branding or design issues.
If approved, move to step 4.
If not approved, the design is routed back to the client and/vendor with a note about the issue. Work with UTA Branding to get this issue resolved. - The approved design is sent to production by the vendor. Payment and delivery are next, and the job is finished.
When ordering items, it is important to allow for a couple weeks, 10 working days, to allow for approval and the production of the items.
For questions about the approval process, please contact branding@uta.edu.
Trademark Use
When the UTA logo appears on merchandise or apparel, it should always have a registration mark (TM). The registration mark is not necessary on stationery, marketing collateral, or interactive communications.
Note: UTA is still a trademark regardless of font or style. You will notice designs in the bookstore, for example, that use a different font, yet still include the TM.
Approved Vendors
When trying to determine if your product requires the use of an approved vendor, ask yourself the following question: Can I purchase this item in the campus bookstore? If yes, then you need to use a licensed vendor.
Examples (a non-exhaustive list) of items that do need to be produced by a licensed vendor: clothing, water bottles, pens, thumb drives, coffee mugs, pocket folders, note pads, notebooks, day planners, portfolios, binders, stickers/decals, table cloths, flags.
Examples (a non-exhaustive list) of products that DO NOT need to be produced by a licensed vendor: brochures, pamphlets, flyers, promotional posters, schedule posters, schedule cards, web graphics, social media graphics, video/photography graphics, banners, building signage and university vehicle signage.
Branding guideless still apply to all products produced, weather by a licensed vendor or a procured one.
Below are two searches to help you locate products and vendors. The product search not only helps you locate products, but lets you know which vendor produces them.
UTA Product Search
(Pick a school: Texas at Arlington, The University of)
All letterheads, business cards, envelopes, and certificates can be purchased from UTA’s approved vendor, Prestige Business Solutions. They have the UTA approved templates for easy setup and quick turnaround times.
If you have not ordered letterhead before, please fill out this form to get an account setup. Once submitted, Prestige Business Solutions will reach out to you for next steps.
Digital Letterhead
Digital letterhead uses this same format as the printed letterhead. You can download a template.
Templates and Presentations
These templates were created to supply branding-compliant materials, ready to use, to save you time and maintain the integrity of our brand.
Lucid Press
Creative Services offers a service to allow staff and faculty to quickly create compliant graphics through a template system. This service can be useful for creating posters, flyers, and social posts, to name a few.
If you are interested in learning more, contact creative services@uta.edu.
PPT Template https://www.uta.edu/ucomm/identity/powerpoint/index.php
Email Signatures
An authorized University signature can be generated using this form: https://resources.uta.edu/advancement/identity/email-signatures/
For more info, contact the branding team at branding@uta.edu.