Ph.D. Forms
1. Ph.D. Data Sheet
New students should complete this form to provide a brief overview of academic background, professional experience, contact information and anticipated graduation date (EGT).
2. Milestone Agreement
The Milestone Agreement must be completed with the major field coordinator by September 30 of the first year of study. A completed copy must be kept by the Department, the Ph.D. Coordinator and the student.
3. Approval of Supervisory Committee and Program of Study
The student, in consultation with the major field coordinator, will select a Supervisory Committee consisting of four faculty members of which two must be from the student's major field. The committee is responsible for the design and direction of the student's program. The student will then prepare a Program of Study, which must be approved by the major field coordinator and the Ph.D. Program Director. This document is used to list courses (already completed or to be completed at UT Arlington or other universities) necessary to meet degree requirements for a Ph.D. in Business Administration.
4. Request for Written Comprehensive Examination
Students demonstrate competence in their major field by completing the comprehensive written request form, then taking and passing the exam. This form must be approved by the student's major field coordinator and submitted to the Ph.D. Program Coordinator (CoB Room 105) by the deadlines as indicated on the form.
5. Comprehensive Exam Report
Students take the comprehensive examination after giving evidence to their doctoral committee of adequate academic achievement by successfully completing all or most coursework requirements for their doctoral degree. The comprehensive examination usually marks the end of formal coursework and the beginning of concentrated work on dissertation research and preparation.
6. Request for Oral Comprehensive Examination
Students are eligible to take the oral exam when they successfully complete the written comprehensive exam. This usually marks the end of formal coursework requirements and the beginning of dissertation research. The student's Supervisory Committee and the Ph.D. Program Director must sign this form to indicate the student has passed the written comprehensive exam and is eligible to take the oral comprehensive exam. This signed form must be submitted to the Ph.D. Coordinator at least three weeks prior to holding the oral comprehensive exam.
7. Comprehensive Exam Report
Students take the comprehensive examination after giving evidence to their doctoral committee of adequate academic achievement by successfully completing all or most coursework requirements for their doctoral degree. The comprehensive examination usually marks the end of formal coursework and the beginning of concentrated work on dissertation research and preparation.
9. Request for Dissertation Proposal Defense
The student will prepare and submit a proposal presentation and submit copies of the written proposal to the members of the Dissertation Committee. The form, Request for Dissertation Proposal Defense, is used as mutual agreement of the time and date to defend the proposal as signed by the committee members. The student should send the title and an abstract of 50 to 100 words to the Ph.D. Coordinator to use in the preparation of the announcement. The student should submit the form to CoB Room 105 three weeks before the proposal date.
10. Dissertation Proposal Form
This form is signed by the Dissertation Committee after the presentation of the Dissertation Proposal as acceptance of the proposal. It is submitted to the Ph.D. Coordinator after the Dissertation Proposal is held.
11. Request for Dissertation Defense
Students prepare and distribute sufficient copies of the completed dissertation to committee members. This form is required to gain approval from the committee to hold the dissertation defense meeting. If approved, the dissertation defense is scheduled in coordination with the Dissertation Committee. The dissertation defense is open to all faculty and students. The student should send the title and an abstract of 50 to 100 words to the Ph.D. Coordinator to use in the preparation of the announcement. The student should submit the form to CoB Room 105 at least three weeks before the defense date.
12. Dissertation Defense Report (DDR)
The dissertation represents the culmination of the student's academic efforts and so is expected to demonstrate original and independent research activity and be a significant contribution to knowledge. Doctoral students must submit the Dissertation Defense Report showing the dissertation has been defended and the defense has been unconditionally passed. Office of Records no later than one week before the first scheduled university Commencement Ceremony in order to participate in any college/school ceremony.
13. Dissertation Rubric
Dissertation chair, please complete the dissertation rubric to provide feedback to the student on their performance. Select the link above which will take you into the Qualtrics survey for your completion.