Business Communications

Strong communication skills can increase productivity, minimize conflict, and contribute to the development of professional and personal relationships. The following courses provide tools for improving interpersonal communication skills and establishing best practices for organizing your daily work.

You can’t avoid difficult conversations, but you can learn how to handle these challenges. This course will provide you with tools and strategies to turn difficult conversations into productive working relationships. 

Objectives: Participants will apply necessary steps on how to identify, approach and conduct difficult conversations resulting in an effective exchange and a mutual decision on future actions.

For many of us, it is difficult to concentrate due to interruptions and the many things that compete for our attention. This course will improve your ability to stay on target, focus on the task at hand, and schedule your time for maximum impact.

Objectives: Participants will explore practical ways to stay organized at work and tips to schedule time proactively.

Effective strategies and ideas for “managing your manager” based on different management and workplace styles. Participants will explore how to proactively use positive skills to form collaborative workplace relationships.

Objectives: Participants will explore proactive approaches to effectively complement their manager’s work goals and personalities while promoting their own strengths and ability to be a resource for their supervisor.

The skills learned in this session will empower you to handle crisis situations in a more effective manner.

Objectives: Understand the five styles of conflict based on the TKI® Conflict Mode and Increase your awareness of your own and others’ conflict styles.

Build your ability to accept the gift of feedback through effective communication. Also learn how to provide feedback by reducing bias, adapting a growth mindset, managing your emotional response to feedback, and implementing feedback.

Objectives: Embrace feedback graciously and improve your communication skills.

Find our current classes here