
Payments to Employees

Payroll Services processes two semi-monthly and one monthly payroll each month. Pay Dates and Deadlines are outlined in  Payroll Processing - Pay Dates and Deadlines (Procedure BF-P-PR1).

  • There are two ways to receive your paycheck: Direct Deposit (recommended) or pick up in person at the Payroll Services office. Distribution of Payments (Procedure BF-P-PR3) provides information on the distribution of paychecks. State law prohibits issuing paychecks prior to the scheduled payday. See Payroll Advance Policy (Pay Dates and Deadlines, BF-P-PR1).

  • For information on Direct Deposits.
  • What you should do if your paycheck is stolen or lost.  Lost or Stolen Payroll Checks (Distribution of Payments, PF-P-PR-03).

  • When your paycheck is unclaimed.  Undeliverable Checks (Distribution of Payments, PF-P-PR-03).

  • Time records are required for all nonexempt employees. For general time card information see  Time Reports (Procedure BF-P-PR2) and  Time Cards in  Overtime (Procedure HR-E-PR28). Blank time records are available online.

  • Nonexempt employees earn overtime for any week in which the employee actually works in excess of 40 hours. Departments have the option of paying for overtime hours or requiring the employee to take time off at one and one-half times the number of hours worked. See  Overtime Requests and Payments to Employees (Procedure BF-P-PR6) for information on the overtime payment process.

  • Processes and forms for payments of Accrued Vacation, Sick Leave, and Compensatory Time are found in Accrued Vacation, Sick Leave and Death Benefits (Procedure BF-P-PR7).

  • Employees with a nine-month basis appointment may be eligible to elect salary spread so that payments are received in the summer. To learn more see  Salary Spread Election (Procedure HR-E-PR35).

Payments to Non-Employees

See Payments for Professional Services (Procedure BF-P-PR9) for information on how to pay individuals performing professional services without a purchase order or contract/agreement from the University as well as other uses of Authorization for Professional Services (Form BF-P-F11) and instructions.

Payments to Non-Resident Aliens

  • Special rules apply to employees who are not U.S. citizens. Information about Social Security numbers, nonresident alien tax software, work authorizations and taxes is provided in  Payments to Nonresident Alien Employees (Procedure BF-P-PR10).

  • Information about Taxable Scholarship Amounts, nonresident alien tax software and U.S. Tax Returns for Nonresident Alien Students is available in  Scholarships Awarded to Nonresident Alien Students (Procedure BF-P-PR11).

  • Payments to Nonresident Alien Independent Contractors, Guest Speakers and Performers (Procedure BF-P-PR4) provides information for departments planning to pay an international guest who is not a U.S. citizen.