LBB Training Report Due 8/31/2024

Reporting Education/Training for University Employees

State of Texas statute requires agencies and institutions of higher education to report spending greater than $5,000 per person on a training course, education course, or education program taken by an individual employee or administrator for a professional license, certification, or degree. This information is reported
to the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) August 31 of each fiscal year, regardless of the funding source used for the training/education.

What expenditures does the requirement include?

The $5,000 per person eligible expense includes total tuition, fees, travel expenses, training materials, etc. for an employee to participate in a training or education program and paid during the current fiscal year.

The attached spreadsheet provides a template for reporting this information to the Office of Procurement & Payment Services. It includes an example (in italics) on line 2.
• Columns A and B should indicate 714 / University of Texas at Arlington
• Columns C and D should indicate the name and position of the employee or
• Column E provides a drop-down menu to select the certification or degree that the employee
earned or is working toward by completing the training or education program. If the employee
earned a professional license or certification, please describe itin Column F
• Column G includes the agency’s total expenditure on the employee’s behalf for each course or
series of related courses, if those expenditures exceeded $5,000 in the fiscal year. This column
should include all related expenditures for the course including travelas noted above.
• Column H provides a drop-down menu to select the primary purpose of the training program.

  • The purposes identified by statute include:
    • Preparing for technological and legal developments;
    • Increasing work capabilities;
    • Increasing the number of qualified employees in areas designated by institutions of
      higher education as having acute faculty shortages; and
    • Increasing the competence of state employees.

• Column I provides a field for reporting any further comments about the purpose of the training or education course.

Where do I send the report, and by when?

If your department has employees to report, complete the spreadsheet and email it to Joe White, Director of Procurement & Payment Services, at no later than Friday, August 16, 2024.

If you have questions about the spreadsheet or reporting requirements, please contact Joe White.