Initial Enrollment
Benefits Enrollment
You have 31 days from your hire date (initial period of eligibility) to complete benefits enrollment. Employees moving from a non-benefits eligible status to a benefits-eligible status also have 31 days from their change of status (initial period of eligibility) to complete benefits enrollment. Enrolling in certain insurance coverage may require evidence of insurability (EOI) or dependent documentation.
If elections are not made within the 31-day initial period of eligibility, you will be required to wait until the next Annual Enrollment or a qualified change of status event to make changes, including adding or dropping coverage. Annual enrollment occurs each July 15 – 31.
Benefits Enrollment Tools
Benefits Cost Worksheet for Employees
Benefits Cost Worksheet for Retired Employees
Interactive Cost Worksheet for Employees and Retired Employees
Retirement Enrollment
TRS Enrollment
All eligible employees of The University of Texas System are automatically enrolled in TRS on their first day of employment unless they are eligible for and elect to enroll in ORP.
ORP Enrollment
You have 90 days from the date you first become eligible for the ORP to make your enrollment decision. If you are reclassified or assume a new job and become ORP-eligible for the first time after your initial employment date, the 90-day election period begins on the day your reclassification becomes effective. The decision to elect ORP is a once-per-lifetime, irrevocable decision.
Voluntary Retirement Enrollment
Enrollment in the UTSaver TSA or UTSaver DCP can be done at any time of the year.