Retirement Manager

UTA has partnered with Retirement Manager to give you the tools you need to start building toward a secure financial future. Retirement Manager is a secure website that enables you to review your retirement savings and help you project how much you may need to save for retirement. Retirement Manager is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can use it to:

  • Enroll in and make changes to your Retirement Programs at any time, all year round.
  • View a summary of your Retirement Program balances.

If you have registered with UTRM before, you can log in directly using your existing credentials or you can log in through My UT Benefits via Single Sign On. If you have never registered with UTRM before, then you will need to establish a security profile before you can enroll or use the new Single Sign On option through My UT Benefits.

The resources listed below should be helpful if you have any questions about getting started. To learn more about your Retirement Plan options, please visit UT System Retirement Program. Take advantage of these great opportunities and enroll today.

How do I log into Retirement Manager?