
Retiree Club By-Law Information


The name of the organization shall be The UTA Retirees Club. Meetings shall be monthly on the campus of the University of Texas at Arlington.

These By-Laws shall become effective upon approval by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present on the date of consideration.  The date of approval shall be added as the last item of these By-Laws.

Meetings shall be held monthly at a time decided by the officers. Announcement of meetings shall be sent in advance to members to inform them of the date, time, location and program. 

The purpose of the UTA Retirees’ Club is to provide social, recreational, and informational activities for faculty and staff members who have retired from UTA.  Spouses of retirees are also included as members.

President - The President shall preside at meetings and direct the activities of the Club.  They shall appoint committees as needed.

Secretary - The Secretary shall record minutes of the meetings and prepare any correspondence that might be needed.

Treasurer - The Treasurer shall be responsible for depositing and disbursing any monies that might become available to the Club.

Vice President/Programs – The Vice President/Programs will chair a Programs Committee consisting of the VP and 3 additional members.  This committee will be responsible for arranging programs for the meetings.  The VP Programs shall be responsible for presiding at Club meetings when the President is absent. 

Vice President/Membership - The Vice President for Membership shall be responsible for maintaining a current list of active and inactive members.  He/She shall also be responsible for maintaining name tags for the active members and for providing a list of members to be called by the Telephone Committee.  He/She shall be responsible for maintaining attendance records.

Newsletter Editor – The Newsletter editor shall be responsible for gathering news items, writing the copy, and preparing the Newsletter for publication.

Terms of Office – All officers shall be elected for a term of one year to serve from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Should any officer find himself or herself unable to serve, the office may be filled by appointment by the other officers.

The President shall appoint a committee to nominate officers no later than the March meeting.  The committee shall report a slate of nominees at the April meeting with the election to follow in the May meeting.  Installation of new officers will be conducted in the June meeting. 

Dues, if any, will be set by majority vote of the members present at a meeting following a one-month notice of the intent to set dues.

Changes to the By-Laws may be made by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a meeting following a one-month notice of intent to change the By-Laws.

Other elections and votes will be determined by a majority of members present.

These By-Laws were adopted by a unanimous vote of the members present on January 20, 1986.

These By-Laws were changed in 1986 as follows:  Membership was changed to anyone who had worked at the institution and was retired.  (Spouse also a member)

These By-Laws were changed in November of 2007 as follows: The time of day for the program was deleted to allow flexibility in scheduling programs. (It is expect that, in general, starting the programs  at 11:00 am will be more convenient).

The position of Vice President/Programs was replaced by a 4 member committee whose chair would be Vice President/Programs.

These By-Laws were amended in 2010 to make time and location of meetings more flexible and to eliminate the obligation of the Vice President/Programs to accept nomination to be President.