Grade Changes
Effective June 16, 2014, the Office of the Registrar introduces electronic Grade Change Request Forms hosted on Sharepoint Site.
If access to the Grade Change forms is needed, the department dean or chair may submit an email to requesting new access. Please include the name, title, MyMav ID number, NetID, department name, and email of person needing access. Additionally, if there is any staff/faculty that needs to be removed from the Grade Change approval workflow, please let the records processing area know via email above. **Access will be limited to faculty and staff only.
Once a grade that has been posted and needs to be changed, faculty will need to use the Grade Change Request Form to request a grade change.
The Grade Change Request Form requires approvals from the Instructor, Department Chair and Academic Dean before being sent to the Office of the Registrar for final approval and processing. A justification for the grade change must be stated on the form. Supporting documents may be attached to the Grade Change Request Form at any of the routing points.
The types of grades that may be assigned in courses are" A, B, C, D, F, P, I, R, and W". Valid grades that may be assigned in a course are listed on the class roster and the grade roster in MyMav. Note: If a grade of W is being used (whether changing to or from) a Class Roll Adjustment (CRA) is required.
For instructions on how to submit a Grade Change, see Grade Change Job Aid.
The grade of I designates the grade of Incomplete. A student unable to complete all assigned work in a class in the semester in which it was taken may, at the discretion of the instructor, receive a grade of I. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the instructor to secure a grade of I before the semester ends.
To change a grade of I to another grade, the instructor must submit a Grade Change Request Form.
For instructors of undergraduate students with I grades: the Incompletes will automatically roll to a grade of F if the grade has not been changed before the grade rosters are opened in the subsequent long semester. Any grades that are not received prior to the opening of the grade rosters will be processed after the final grades have completed. However, undergraduate students in this situation will receive an F on their record until that grade is changed. Grade changes can still be submitted after grades are final.
For instructors of graduate students with I grades: the grade of I will remain as part of the student's academic record until the work is completed and a final grade awarded. Once the coursework is completed, the instructor/department will need to submit a Grade Change request. An I grade is not awarded in research, internship, thesis or dissertation courses.