Faculty Credential Decision Charts

FAQs | Faculty Credential Decision Charts | Foreign Degrees
GTAs | Related & Terminal Degrees

For faculty that are assigned to teach a course that may be outside their primary terminal degree, departments may consider the following in filling out the Supplemental Form:

When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, UTA gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline. UTA also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes.


Prospective Faculty Seeking to Teach Undergraduate Courses - Decision Tree


Prospective Faculty Seeking to Teach Graduate & Postbaccalaureate Courses - decision tree

UTA's policy around Instructor and Faculty Credentials can be found in the Handbook of Operating Procedures category Academic Administration & Governance subcategory Faculty Hiring, Employment, Termination and Retirement.

Prospective Graduate Students (GTAs) as Instructor of Record for Undergraduate Courses† - decision tree


Please note that there are no provisions in the SACSCOC requirements for graduate teaching assistants to teach a graduate course for credit. Best practices suggest that graduate students should not teach graduate (masters or doctoral) courses for credit, and this option should be avoided.

GTAs must have the 18 graduate credit hours in the teaching discipline completed before the start of the course for which they will be the instructor of record. Thesis, dissertation and internship hours do not count towards formal coursework credit.

SACSCOC Standard 6.2.a also call for graduate teaching assistants that serve as instructors of record to be under the direct supervision of a faculty member, receive regular in-service training and receive planned and periodic evaluation of their teaching. Departments must maintain evidence of compliance with SACSCOC Standard 6.2.a.