Bluesheet Instructions

The Proposal Review and Certification form (“Blue Sheet”) is a required part of the proposal process. In addition to providing valuable information about your submission to the Office of Grant & Contract Services (OGCS), it serves as an internal approval mechanism for Chairs, Deans and administration. By submitting a proposal, the Principal Investigator (PI) is committing UTA resources and therefore must be approved by an authorized signatory approved by the President or his or her designee. By signing the blue sheet, the PI verifies s/he understands and agrees to take responsibility for the research. The department head and dean are also required to sign thereby showing their approval of the proposal, the commitment of personnel time, and departmental resources for the project as well as making their own certifications. The Co-Investigators (and their department head and dean) sign to show their willingness to participate and make the respective certifications.

Enter the requested information for the Principal Investigator.

Typically, the following individuals require approval from the  Vice President for Research or Director of GCS  to submit proposals through the university:

  • Undergraduate or graduate students (some programs allow for their inclusion).
  • Visiting professors (any rank).
  • Visitors in a post doctoral position (less than one year appointment).
  • Adjunct Professors.
  • Anyone not in a permanent employee status (defined to be less than 50% time).

Citizenship information is being requested solely for compliance purposes. Citizenship does not affect a PI or Co-I’s eligibility to submit a proposal. This information only serves to help UTA to comply with Export Control laws. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your specialist or the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance.

Please enter the date the proposal is due and choose a submission method (paper or electronic) from the drop-down list. The sponsor should be the agency we are submitting the proposal to. If this is a collaborative proposal or subcontract, enter the name of the agency who will be receiving the actual award under “Sponsor” (i.e. lead institution). If applicable, enter the name of the agency the joint proposal is being submitted to in the “Prime Sponsor” field. Please provide the name, phone number and email address of a contact point at the Sponsor who will be able to provide information on the submission. If a paper submission is required, provide the street address (overnight couriers will not deliver to PO Boxes) and number of copies the sponsor requires. Choose a shipment method from the drop-down list. All proposals shipped by OGCS will be charged to the PI’s departmental UPS number.

Please enter the same title that will be used on the proposal itself.

Choose a type of proposal from the drop-down list. If this is a renewal/continuation of, or a supplement to, an existing award, please enter the account number of the award. If a Human and/or Animal Subject protocol is pending or has been approved, the title MUST match that of the approved protocol (no exceptions).

Enter the names and all the requested information for any Co-Investigators. The personnel listed here should be UTA employees only. Do not list any collaborators outside of UTA.
Please provide a brief description of the work you are proposing.
Please answer the questions in this section and review the Compliance Checklist for guidance as they may apply to this proposal. If you have any questions, please call your specialist or the department responsible for the area you have questions on.

This section is optional, but is helpful for setting up budgets and managing collaborations and should be used if there is a subcontract.

This section is reserved for the lead investigator at any external institution. For example, if a group from UTSW were participating in the research, the lead investigator would be listed here. 
Choose the method of funding for the collaborative institution. If they will be paid from funds awarded to UTA, they are considered “Subcontractors”. If they will be submitting a linked proposal, they are “Collaborators”. If they are not receiving any funding at all please select “Unfunded”. Please see Budget section, below, for an explanation of consultants.

The University of Texas at Arlington has in place a negotiated Indirect Cost (IDC) Agreement with the federal government through the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The university’s standard rate is 51.5% of Modified Total Direct Costs. This rate should be used for all proposals unless the sponsor limits IDC or prohibits it altogether. For a reduced rate to be proposed the sponsor must specifically state the limitation in writing and it must be the stated policy for the company/agency for all sponsored research. If the research is conducted off-campus and rent is paid for the facilities as a direct cost to the project, the off-campus rate of 26% is applied. This rate does not apply to subcontracts.

If it is in the university’s best interest, a portion of IDC may be waived. Such a waiver must be sought and approved prior to submission of the proposal. Approval of a waiver may only be granted by the Vice President for Research. A reduction in IDC requires an adequate justification for the waiver to determine if it is in the best interests of the university. Documentation of such a waiver must be provided prior to submission. Sufficient time must be given for the consideration of the request. The request form for a reduced or waived IDC rate may be found within the BlueSheet in mentis.

Choose the IDC option applicable to your proposal from the drop-down list. Enter the applicable percentage rate in the “F&A Percentage Rate” field.

Enter the proposed start and end dates. Fill in the budget information based upon your request to the sponsor.
  •  Salary consists of payments made to all faculty, staff, and students. Pay scales should be consistent for those used within your department and with Human Resources policies.
  • Fringe rates are as follows: (insert estimated percentages when known)
  •  M&O consists of all materials and supplies that cost less than $5,000 per unit or have a useful life of less than a year.
  • Consultants are individuals not employed by UTA providing a service to the project. Human Subjects participating in research provide a service and are paid as consultants.
  • Sub-Contracts may require some additional information. Please contact your specialist if you anticipate using subcontractors.
  • Scholarships can only be provided under certain circumstances. Please contact your specialist before budgeting funds for scholarships.
  • Tuition is not permitted on any federal research proposals and only in certain situations on other proposals. Again, please contact your specialist before budgeting funds in this area.
  • Participant Support is provided to individuals not employed by UTA who may be participating in the research proposed. Participants are not required to provide services or receive payment contingent on an event. ONLY Students currently enrolled may be paid as Participant Support.
  • Funds may be budgeted for travel as either foreign or domestic depending on sponsor limitations.
  • Participant travel is generally used to reimburse people participating in the research for their travel costs to and from the research site.
  •  Equipment consists only of items with a per unit price of $5,000 or greater and a useful life of one year or longer.
  • Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) consist of the Total Direct Costs (TDC) less any fund for scholarships, tuition, equipment, participant support, participant travel, and the amount of each subcontract that exceeds $25,000.
  • Facilities and Administration costs (F&A or IDC) are calculated by multiplying the MTDC by the percentage of IDC.
  • Total Costs are the sum of the Total Direct Costs and the IDC.
This section reserved for Grant and Contract Services use but does show the amount of IDC that has been foregone due to sponsor limitations or a university waiver.
Conflict of Interest (COI) forms must be filled out by each PI and Co-I and filed with the Office of Research Integrity & Compliance every fiscal year. COI forms must be submitted for proposals or persons actively engaged in research. Any awards resulting from this proposal will not be entered into the system until current COI forms are received.
With each proposal that is submitted, the Principal investigator is agreeing to be responsible for any award that may be issued. The certification is available on OGCS’s website and may change from time to time to keep current with compliance requirements. It is the PI’s responsibility to review these certifications prior to submission of each proposal and at the time of award.

This checklist is available to assist Investigators in clarifying any compliance issues with their proposal. If one of the items on the checklist is being used, please attach the completed checklist and route it with the Blue Sheet.

**Please print the Proposal Review and Certification sheet on blue paper**