Report Animal Welfare Concerns

The University of Texas at Arlington promotes the highest standards of animal care and use and is committed to the humane and responsible treatment of all animals being used for research, testing, or education. The University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is required by law to investigate reports of suspected animal abuse or mistreatment. If you observe or suspect animal abuse, mistreatment, or non-compliance with federal, state, or local regulations or non-compliance with an approved protocol, please report the incident. The IACUC will investigate and evaluate concerns raised by anyone regarding the care and use of animals at the University.

Animal welfare concerns may be reported to:
The Attending Veterinarian - Stephanie Lewis, DVM   214-648-2768
The Office of Regulatory Services 817-272-3723
The IACUC Chair 817-272-1302
The Institutional Official
(Vice President for Research)
UT Arlington Campus Police 817-272-3381
The University Ethics Hotline 877-507-7314
or Report Online Anonymously  

In order to fully investigate your concern, please include as much information as possible surrounding the event such as: description of the incident, date and approximate time, location where incident occurred, names of individuals involved, and the animal protocol number. It is helpful if you provide your name and contact information in case the IACUC has further questions. However, you may make your complaint anonymously if you choose. Your complaint – whether made anonymously or not -- will be dealt with confidentially to the extent reasonably possible.

NOTE: The Federal Animal Welfare Act prohibits the discrimination or reprisal against any person reporting a violation of animal welfare regulations or standards. The Animal Welfare Act Regulations provide that “No facility employee, Committee member, or laboratory personnel shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting violations of any regulations or standards under the Act.” (9 CFR § 2.32(c)(4)).

Animal welfare concerns involving immediate health issues should be reported to either the Animal Care Facility Manager or Attending Veterinarian:

Christine Safieddine, RVT, LATg Animal Care Facility Manager 817-272-5236
Stephanie Lewis, DVM Attending Veterinarian 214-648-2768



Part 2 - Subpart C
2.31 (c) IACUC Functions. With respect to activities involving animals, the IACUC, as an agent of the research facility shall:
     (4) Review, and if warranted, investigate concerns involving the care and use of animals at the research facility resulting from public complaints received and from reports of noncompliance received from laboratory or research facility personnel or employees; 
2.31 (d) (6) The IACUC may suspend an activity that it previously approved if it determines that an activity is not being conducted in accordance with the description of that activity provided by the principal investigator and approved by the Committee. The IACUC may suspend an activity only after review of the matter at a convened meeting of a quorum of the IACUC and with the suspension vote of a majority of the quorum present;
     (7) If the IACUC suspends an activity involving animals, the Institutional Official, in consultation with the IACUC, shall review the reasons for suspension, take appropriate corrective action, and report that action with a full explanation to APHIS and any federal agency funding that activity. 
2.32 Training and Instruction of personnel must include
     (4) Methods whereby deficiencies in animal care and treatment are reported, including deficiencies in animal care are treatment reported by any employee of the facility. No facility employee, Committee members, or laboratory personnel shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting violations or standards under the Act.
2.33 (2) Each research facility shall assure that the attending veterinarian has appropriate authority to ensure the provision of adequate veterinary care and to oversee the adequacy of other aspects of animal care and use. (USDA provides the authority and responsibility to the attending veterinarian to temporarily suspend an activity involving animals.) 

PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE POLICY (Implementation of Public Law 99-158)
B. Functions of the IACUC 
     4. Review concerns involving the care and use of animals at the Institution; 
C. IACUC Review of PHS-conducted or Supported Research Projects 
     6. The IACUC may suspend an activity that it previously approved if it determines that the activity is not being conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the Animal Welfare Act, the Guide, the institution's Assurance, or IV.C.l.a-g of this Policy.

To All PIs
Regarding Veterinarian Notification of Animal Welfare Issues

During the AAALAC Site Visit on November 16, 2015, we were asked to clarify and strengthen our procedures for notifying the ACF Manager and Attending Veterinarian in cases of animal sickness, distress, or unexpected death. It is of paramount importance that you contact the ACF Manager (, IMMEDIATELY if any of the following are observed:

  • Weight Loss – more than 20%
  • Hair Loss – bald spots, barbering
  • Not eating – weight loss, no feces
  • Lesion – bites, scratches
  • Tumor – ulcerated or not related to protocol procedures
  • Eye problem – redness, irritation, discharge, cloudy
  • Limb Problem – lame, favoring, loss of mobility
  • Breathing Problem – labored, rapid
  • Wound – open, bleeding
  • Injuries
  • Missing Animal
  • Escaped Animal (if it touches the floor, whether recaptured or not)
  • Unanticipated Death – any death that is accidental or unexpected in accordance with protocol procedures
  • Any other potential symptoms of illness, injury, pain, or distress

As the Attending Veterinarian’s designee, the ACF Manager will assess the situation and either consult with or report to the Attending Veterinarian as necessary. The Attending Veterinarian will oversee any treatment or action plan, which will be communicated to the principal investigator. The Attending Veterinarian, or ACF Manager as designee, will report any of the above, or any animal welfare concerns to the IACUC.

Any questions regarding this policy can be directed to the IACUC Chair, Dr. Michael Roner (

We appreciate your cooperation with this procedure which will ensure our continued accreditation with AAALAC.

-The UTA Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee