Forms & Training


VPSA Department Offered Training

  • Counseling and Physcological Services (CAPS) offers a variety of workshops to learn how to help yourself and others with mental wellness. To learn more about what workshops are offered you can visit the CAPS website.
  • For additional training opportunities check out Learning Zone and Lynda.


Teams Training

Microsoft Teams is a platform that combines chat, meetings, notes, and attachments. Teams can be accessed from any Microsoft Cloud product page or from an installed app on computers and mobile devices.

This class is being taught competely online through the Teams platform. 

Please review the Instructions beow. 

Before being able to join the online class, a few steps will need to be taken.

1. Please go to .
2. Click on the Teams icon.
3. Click on your initials in the upper right hand corner.
4. Select the "Download the desktop app." Complete the process to downlaod the app to your device. 


1. Review the Teams Resource Guide
2. Click the "Download Teams on Your Device" link. 
3. Complete the process to download the app to your device. 

You may review the Teams Resource Guide prior to class if you choose.

If you have issues installing Teams on your device, please contact the Help Desk. 


Sitecore Training

1. Register for class on the OIT Training website. If you need to cancel, update your registration on this same website. If you need to register for a different time, update your registration on the same website.

2. Find the Before Class + Start Here folder in the Files tab of the Sitecore channel. Review all contents of the folder. Print out the training guide (or the Detail Page wireframe) to use during class.

4. The class will be listed in the Posts tab of the Sitecore channel. Look for the purple "Join" button next to the class name. Join the class at the scheduled time.

5. Request access to Sitecore by submitting a ticket through ServiceNow at the appropriate step during your migration. Please do not request access if there is not a site already set up for your group in Sitecore. Requests for sites that do not yet exist will be declined because there is no site to which we can grant access.

Completion of a live training session is required for access to Sitecore. 

Watching a recording is not a substitute for attending live training.  If you are unable to stay for the duration of the training, please cancel and register for another session.


Cascade Training

Cascade 8 launched on October 4th.  In this class, we will review the new interface to help you manage the content on your website.

You will learn how to:

  • Use new templates to add and copy pages
  • Add images and banners
  • Update exsisting content

To register for cascade training please go to the OIT Training Website.

After taking the Cascade 8 training course you can request access by submitting a ticket through ServiceNow.