Breeding Colony Management
Principal investigators may establish a breeding colony after submission of a UTA IACUC Breeding Protocol Application Form and approval by the IACUC. Once approved, the PI will be responsible for the following:
- Oversight of the protocol including responsibility for the welfare of the animals.
- PIs should email the ACF Manager or submit a Request for Investigator/Protocol Re-Assignment Form to the ACF Manager when they want to transfer animals from a breeding protocol to an active research protocol.
- Upon transfer, ACF Staff will update/change the animal cage cards to reflect the new protocol number.
- PIs will be responsible for proper recordkeeping, keeping track of and reporting animal use numbers on a continuing basis to the IACUC, via the annual protocol follow-up, Annual Reports, and Triennial Reports.
Following the transfer from the breeding colony, the animal(s) will continue to accrue daily per diem charges at the regular rates. Census records will be kept, as usual, by ACF Staff.